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Vestrivan of B=D Owned

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Revelations said:
After trying to attack White SheDevil, Vestrivan got straight butt smacked after talking mad shit about he would own shedevil, after running away 4 times, SheDevil finally caught his ass and dropped him and gobbled up his 200 stones of loot but before (5 seconds later) she could not get it all, because Ricin (the other B=D) showed up with his vanq heavy x bow and by the time shedevil got mana back, he had ressed vestrivan and they recalled out together to the land of the gankage. Here is the photo so please B=D, vest shut the hell up, you got owned 1 on 1, like always and called in backup after you got smoked...


Guess what? Nobody cares.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!

This is one of the most pointless things I have ever had the misfortune to read. Some strange force has compelled me to read the whole thing even though it made my brain hurt listening to Revelations whine on and on about his 1337'ness.

There are numerous types of major surgery I would rather undergo then continue reading this fucking drivel.

Why has this thread not been banished to Trammel like the piece of shit it is?

Everybody is intersted in the most famous person on this server and that is White SheDevil, any forum she is in, seems to end up with 200 responces, if you dont like reading about her and are butt hurt that she pked you, don't right anything in the forum just dont read it...???
B=D = 20 year old butt loving guild who gets owned by a teenage girl... LOL B=D
Wow, first of rev u spend your noob ass posting every kill. Want me to post all the times SheDevil dies from my hands? Or better yet recalls from a 1v1? It would be countless. Shedevil gets smoked 1v1, and she comes back with 5 guys? ALl of you port through my gate back home, and get fucked in the ass from my guild. Btw, in one of your posts... you say "Dont post tell you learn to pvp" Well How about dont post till you learn how to spell, you fucking retard. If your to stupid to remember this is Ares.

Also B=D Vest always solos, if he dies he calls for backup. EVERYONES does it.

However some of his guildies are fucking noobs, 6 B=D At cove mares, all die from WEED and I, pathetic. Then <3T comes trying to prove shit with 4 tamers, I love how they all get smoked along with thier pets. Congratz Shedevil i feel like you ! Make I should make a thread about this. But im not so fuckign ignorant like you.

Good day.


SheDevil? I have the same character name, She's my archer. They need to create a program that stops the use of a taken name. There's a Poison Ivy out there too. same as my assassin.. It sux. I've had people create names "Identical" to my friends and I give them things to borrow and it is just a scam. I deleted my SheDevil even though she was 250+ days old :( oh well.. archer's suck n e way's :p
Home Depot said:
Wow, first of rev u spend your noob ass posting every kill. Want me to post all the times SheDevil dies from my hands? Or better yet recalls from a 1v1? It would be countless. Shedevil gets smoked 1v1, and she comes back with 5 guys? ALl of you port through my gate back home, and get fucked in the ass from my guild. Btw, in one of your posts... you say "Dont post tell you learn to pvp" Well How about dont post till you learn how to spell, you fucking retard. If your to stupid to remember this is Ares.

Also B=D Vest always solos, if he dies he calls for backup. EVERYONES does it.

However some of his guildies are fucking noobs, 6 B=D At cove mares, all die from WEED and I, pathetic. Then <3T comes trying to prove shit with 4 tamers, I love how they all get smoked along with thier pets. Congratz Shedevil i feel like you ! Make I should make a thread about this. But im not so fuckign ignorant like you.

Good day.

Neither of you should post until you learn the basic language of the American society.... Engrish.


Revelations said:
Everybody is intersted in the most famous person on this server and that is White SheDevil, any forum she is in, seems to end up with 200 responces, if you dont like reading about her and are butt hurt that she pked you, don't right anything in the forum just dont read it...???
B=D = 20 year old butt loving guild who gets owned by a teenage girl... LOL B=D

Revelations you are a 25 year old posing as an 18 year old girl who plays UO. You need some serious mental treatment. Your not famous.

Your Infamous. There is a huge dyscrepency there.

You cant combo.

You have tons of alts who come in to kill or loot when SheDevil dies.

You post 1 screen shot about killing someone. Wow, someone died who pvps!!!11111oneoneone

Your a joke to the UOgamers community. People own you left and right. Yet when you get ONE kill you hop on the forums and brag about it like you just won the nobel prize.

No one cares about a fat overzelous cock gobbler like yourself. Im all for power gaming but to run around each and every night to "PK" players is really not much of a life.

So post another kill you got

Please we all want to see the talentless hack WhiteSheDevil kill one of my guildmates again.

BTW Vest has dropped your candy ass so many times we dont even care anymore.


"Well How about dont post till you learn how to spell, you fucking retard. If your to stupid to remember this is Ares."

it should be "If you're too stupid to remember this is Ares."

So don't flame someone about spelling if you are going to spell things wrong too, it just looks bad


Why dont you ask whiteshedevil and her new freind to post all those death screenies...

I'll show ya mine if you show me yers!!!one!1
Ares, you as big as ganker as the B=D boys, your a clown, you get worked every time you one on one, I ahve seen you die to newbies 1 at the graveyard, please your guild is as pathetic as you.. please and vestrivan nice job today, shedevil smoked you and starts to loot you, you caome back with ricin and kill her after the blodds get her to 10 life, good job, or well, good timing I was watching that on her computer, you did well by urself, see you dont need 5000 B=D holding you little dick to play, why dont you leave the guild since you actually solo occasionally...? well good job using your alt to get even, you won that round.


Revelations said:
Ares, you as big as ganker as the B=D boys, your a clown, you get worked every time you one on one, I ahve seen you die to newbies 1 at the graveyard, please your guild is as pathetic as you.. please and vestrivan nice job today, shedevil smoked you and starts to loot you, you caome back with ricin and kill her after the blodds get her to 10 life, good job, or well, good timing I was watching that on her computer, you did well by urself, see you dont need 5000 B=D holding you little dick to play, why dont you leave the guild since you actually solo occasionally...? well good job using your alt to get even, you won that round.

antarus, I would love to meet some pathetic ferry like yourself in real life and beat the living shit out of your computer playing ass.... I have not played UO Since HighSchool idiot and you still play, your pathetic..
"Well How about dont post till you learn how to spell, you fucking retard. If your to stupid to remember this is Ares."

it should be "If you're too stupid to remember this is Ares."

So don't flame someone about spelling if you are going to spell things wrong too, it just looks bad
thats grammar not spelling dicksnot.
Small Ant,

You dont have to post in my forums moron, if you dont like what I say either quit posting in my forums, or send an address, phone number, email address, some way so I can get a hold of you and we can settle this away for UO, what do you say tool boy, I will send you the info to contact me in a private message, lets see if you have the balls to do the same putz, if not get you pussy ass out of my forums and make your own bitch.
What kind of nerds complain about peoples grammar and spelling, wtf has UO turned do a fucking dork fest, you guys are fucking pathetic, your the reason I used to play UO, to make computer nerd ferries (asains typically) cry and bitch and have there mommies yell at them for smacking the mouse and keyboard like the B=D Ferry boys dooooo, B=D.. Get your own forum newb faggot ant... contact me here is my email [email protected] bitch bring it or go hide under your computer loser
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