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Vestrivan of B=D Owned

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Revelations said:
What kind of nerds complain about peoples grammar and spelling, wtf has UO turned do a fucking dork fest, you guys are fucking pathetic, your the reason I used to play UO, to make computer nerd ferries (asains typically) cry and bitch and have there mommies yell at them for smacking the mouse and keyboard like the B=D Ferry boys dooooo, B=D.. Get your own forum newb faggot ant... contact me here is my email [email protected] bitch bring it or go hide under your computer loser

that is by far the saddest post I have ever seen...

"What kind of nerds complain about people grammar and spelling"

Hmm, I never knew of a nerd complaining about speller and grammar but I have seen intellegent human beings say that some one has bad grammar...

"wtf has UO turned do a fucking dork fest, you guys are fucking pathetic, your the reason I used to play UO, to make computer nerd ferries (asains typically) cry and bitch and have there mommies yell at them for smacking the mouse and keyboard"

That is the saddest thing ever, next to this entire post that is. It must of taken all your brain power to think of that. If you USED to play UO I guess that means you don't anymore so why the hell are you even posting on the forums??


Revelations said:
antarus, I would love to meet some pathetic ferry like yourself in real life and beat the living shit out of your computer playing ass.... I have not played UO Since HighSchool idiot and you still play, your pathetic..

Hrm yea about that...
Lets see where have I trained...


Lastly, Im an Apprentice Instructor under Jeff Jones.
I doubt you would kick my "pathetic ferry ass"

i'd just like to point out a few interesting things about rev's stories thus far...

i find it interesting how whiteshedevil only dies because the monsters killed her... so her killers are of course without skill.... if your getting killed by monsters, ESPECIALLY ogre lords who cannot even cast spells and are limited to attacking in a one tile radius, that shows a definate lack of skill..... i sorvived for quite some time while being hunted by 3 ogre lords and a red, the red got me in the end but then again i was on my newb bard char at the time, lol i finnally peaced one of the lords and provoked the other one on him when my skills finnaly raised to a level that i could provoke the things onto him, but he finished me off dispite that "incredibly deadly" ogre lord, and you are a red..... playing the spawns is one of the basic essentials of being a good red, you take advantage of stronger monsters or distractions to kill someone, so it wouldn't even be cheap if this tactic is used to kill you as well.... and you can't talk about it being cheap as you obviously do it yourself.... you really have no other reason to have a rune to the ogre lord spawns other then to jump those that are dumb enough to be hunting them, i say they are dumb because ogre lords do a lot of damage and have a lot of health for not exactly substantial rewards, but some people hunt there anyways, sometimes to kill reds
it is also astonishingly interesting how you claim not to be white shedevil and yet you can give an exact word for word, action for action recount of every kill and go into especially detailed accounts of how she died because of ganking that occurs during 1vs1 fights.....
you tell these tales of the fights as though you were there yourself in every single one and you have knowledge of every fight that is ever brought up... i don't care if this girl is your best friend in the world whom you talk to constantly, you would not know that many details about every insignificant battle that occurs, if your claiming to be a separate person you should seriously at least try to act the part....
and if your lying about your age.... your either pretty old and trying to seem young which makes you a creepy person for hanging around this girl if there even is one who is 18 years old.... or you are pretty young and don't want anyone to know about it...... this is a public forum and there isn't any reason to lie about your age and make up a birthday, which probably all of you who brag constantly do... since most of the reds that proclaim their own divinity use the vocabluary that you would frequently find in either a completely pathetic human being, or someone between the ages of 10-14, and i am referring to all of you people who are "0ber sWeet" and "t0tAlLy L33t"
also, why do you feel the need to attempt to physically provoke someone who you will most likely never meet in your entire life.... is it because you know that and don't expect to ever need to back it up?
in closing, do not make proclomations to the community of your "superiority" there is no best at all aspects of the game, no king of uo and shedevil is definately NOT the most famous person on the server... i encountered her only one time in my entire experience playing on this server.... and she ran away from me after a pretty short fight with my swordsman..... if anyone could constitute as the most famous person on the shard it would be Irina, why? because everyone knows or has heard of her at one point or another


Revelations said:
Small Ant,

You dont have to post in my forums moron, if you dont like what I say either quit posting in my forums, or send an address, phone number, email address, some way so I can get a hold of you and we can settle this away for UO, what do you say tool boy, I will send you the info to contact me in a private message, lets see if you have the balls to do the same putz, if not get you pussy ass out of my forums and make your own bitch.

So are we going to duel checkers irl?
My guild sucks, yet we drop your ass every time we see you. Remember shame? You ran right when i recalled in. Stop playing a smart ass, your nothing. Take some screenshots of my dead 1v1 body. Because i know you CANT! If i was actually this concerned about this situation, i would post you getting smoked. But then again, Im a clown. Ha... You crack me up


Ban Revelations please. This guy is a typing joke of sperm that would have been better off being flushed down the toilet in a used condom.


Wow.. Revelations is so upset that he's bringing this into 'real life'.

<goes around looking for a fake life>

Nope... can't find one. This is as real a life as any.

Also... I love how you pretend to be a girl... it's like you're too ashamed of your non-skill to admit that you suck. Good game, there. I've only seen you once. One time, yet I'm constantly in the dungeons, both on tamer and pvp.


Wait, hold on. I want to meet you. I REALLY DO!

Abe Bristol
225 Water St.
Belding, MI

That's my address. Go ahead and check the validity. I know, not think, I know that you're just another product of waste that was obviously created in a blow-up lab, out in the middle of Fourty-ninth and Fifty-third. Your father was an ex-McDonalds manager, and your mother was still waitressing at the local abortion clinic. Come and get me.


Furota said:
Wait, hold on. I want to meet you. I REALLY DO!

Abe Bristol
225 Water St.
Belding, MI

That's my address. Go ahead and check the validity. I know, not think, I know that you're just another product of waste that was obviously created in a blow-up lab, out in the middle of Fourty-ninth and Fifty-third. Your father was an ex-McDonalds manager, and your mother was still waitressing at the local abortion clinic. Come and get me.
Well there you have it, he called you out on it Retardations. DO something about it.
LOL Ant, you can copy a few martial art websites LOL, too bad those are spead all over the country, so lets get this straight you travel all through the country competing in martial arts but you sit at home all day and play UO, funny the stories jsut dont match clown, oh yea let me guess, your also a secret agent with James Bond, LOL funny how all losers claim to be martial arts experts online, funny shit man, I have heard this line before four times, show some pictures of yourself competitng tough guy... LOL!


Revelations said:
LOL Ant, you can copy a few martial art websites LOL, too bad those are spead all over the country, so lets get this straight you travel all through the country competing in martial arts but you sit at home all day and play UO, funny the stories jsut dont match clown, oh yea let me guess, your also a secret agent with James Bond, LOL funny how all losers claim to be martial arts experts online, funny shit man, I have heard this line before four times, show some pictures of yourself competitng tough guy... LOL!

I have nothing to prove to 14 years olds. Come to PA and find out. Actually it would benefit the school with more students. So yea, come on by. But, I doubt that will happen because im sure you cant even drive yet.


Well... Revelations, my e-mail is also [email protected], my AIM is Lorthic ii, and my MSN is the same as my e-mail. I swear to christ I'm not even fucking kidding about my address. You want to talk so much shit, then come and take it out on me, and show what you got. Whether you have a problem with me or not is of no consequence, I'm inviting you to. Shit, I'll even take the first hit on you, so that you can claim self-defense when you beat my ass with your 1338 -1 fighting skills.

I'll give you anything you want. Want my phone number? I'll give it to you if you message me. Hell, you can even talk to my fiance; I'll call my mom over and you can talk shit with her too. I don't give a fuck.
Revelations said:
I have not played UO Since HighSchool idiot and you still play, your pathetic..

If you dont play UO. Since you are above it, and just flat out better than UO and anyone who plays it in any way shape or form.

What in gods name are you doing on the forums for a player ran UO server?


Good point. May I draw your attention to this, or most importantly this

For someone who doesn't play, (and aparrently SheDevil never uses the forums), why would you be interested in posting / bidding for rares?

Revelations said:
350k blessed
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