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When did you start Ultima Online?

When did you start Ultima Online

  • I started when Charter Edition was released!

    Votes: 285 30.6%
  • T2A was my first!

    Votes: 263 28.3%
  • I came in for the Renaissance.

    Votes: 204 21.9%
  • I signed up with Age of Shadows.

    Votes: 37 4.0%
  • I never even played an EA server.

    Votes: 141 15.2%

  • Total voters
Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

i played uo back when everything on this shard was active on osi such as leather dye tubs and chimeras and what not,, i wauz always a gm stoic practically.. so let me tel l You guys the basic kn. of uo...

dont start doing anything on your char until u have 100k.
dont look like a newbie with funny dyed hair like Carina the drunkard outside vesper (s of gy) thats always been there since day 1.
dont think if ur in thieves guild (where u can steal from other players) that u cant get a thieves disguise kit for less than 5k (which changes your name and makes your hair pure white like using a hair change deed and making yourself have hair where before there was none) temporarily.. . . .

always have inscription on all your chars..

and im not a newbie i just havent been on this shard long . lol not really anywayzzz. . : P

i played on Pacific my whole time on uo except for a little of Atlantic with a char named Eminem (my char was Eminem not someone elses : P) but that was like for 1 day lol . My first char was Chizop but no one knows me as that because a gm changed my name because i asked him because i was just making that account for a friend (old skool ) then my characters from 1999-2002 basically were Mischief, Sir Loot-A-Lot, Juvenile (not a KGB or T&A but the other one : | )
he was not a newbie l o l . . also i had Sentinel . some chars that were less well known of mine were Party Boi, CodythaCodeko, and some ppl thought my name was Pooper, or Dj Bobo and some ppl thought my friends name was Templar but it weren't lol. als\o on Test Center i usually named my char O. but that was like a copy of a name of somone on Pacific 9sORrY!)

i also had a character on a private shard called Imagine Nation where i got banned for Pking "everyone : " lol my char on ther was Mischief too . heh . i started TBH and was in the few main guild on my shard such as KGB and T&A wher i quickly turned on my members and killed them and res killed tem until there werent any more ppl with "Lord" status in them lol : O)

i quicky dropped out of TBH after i started it .. btw..

message me if u want 2 !!


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started back just after T2A came out my bud showed me the game and his brother introduced him to it and I finally got it. I remember my first day making 5 characters because every time I died I couldn't figure out how to rez. The first death was attacking a summoned demon then a dog. Then I opened a trapped box then got pked twice trying to explore. I played LS from 98? was the release of t2a about? to just before AoS release off an on. Then I played catskills a lil for like a year during AoS.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started in April 2002.... i remeber powerhour being the coolest fucking thing when i first started.....


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I played on Lake Superior starting in 1998 right as the notoriety system was introduced. I remember little things like when they introduced the new Unicode font before T2A, and everyone went retarded over the "pretty new colors."

I only had one char, named Mordus Kull. I never GMed anything but swords and tactics, and had about 88 magery at most. I definitely sucked at UO but I had a blast. I used to hang around the Brit X-roads with and watch blues v. reds go at each other. Having desperate players beg for help made UO more interesting, even if you knew your help was in vain. Then there was Silk's Tavern... haha that didn't last long before the kiddies ruined it.

Toward early 1999 I got bored and became a bank sitter, hanging around the Occlo bank. I let someone else play my account while I was in college and she got me banned for macroing, but by that time I was ready to leave UO for good.

Hybrid captures a lot of that old mojo, especially the messed up economy of LS.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Right when t2a came out and the released the new versions my Uncle bought me the game, and ruined me life forever..
Best parts were right when AoS came out. I pked with my cousin, Double strike, Pain spike killed all on test. Even after they fixed it, we killed together. But we quit shortly after that, ran a shard together, and then drifted away from UO until I found Hybrid.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

All I know is I played when Power Hour was in affect. Man Ilsh was popular then. I loved going to the rotting corpses.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

newschool :(
i remember the first time i got pked.
someone was chasing me and redlined me after 2hits with a hxbow shooting while running. i then logged really fast an wondered why i was dead when i reconnected...
good times


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Started the day it came out, played till they ruined it b4 t2a, then EQ, then DAoC, then WoW, now back on hybrid :)

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Boofy;1419207 said:
Started the day it came out, played till they ruined it b4 t2a, then EQ, then DAoC, then WoW, now back on hybrid :)
You left UO "because they ruined it before T2A" and went to EQ?! What the fuck?


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started playing UO in the July 97 Beta, was there opening day for Pacific shard. Was a counselor for Baja, Lead counselor/Wedding Counselor for West coast shards and then when Trammel finally killed the PvP on the shard I went to a free shard called Sosarian Dawn and was GM on there for over a year.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Simple answer, before there were murderers and stat loss, or crappy Tram. Back when "Dread Lords" and the likes showed up as red.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started playing in beta when a friend from my Diablo guild let me use his beta account. I ended playing until shortly after trammel was introduced, and then quit.