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When did you start Ultima Online?

When did you start Ultima Online

  • I started when Charter Edition was released!

    Votes: 285 30.6%
  • T2A was my first!

    Votes: 263 28.3%
  • I came in for the Renaissance.

    Votes: 204 21.9%
  • I signed up with Age of Shadows.

    Votes: 37 4.0%
  • I never even played an EA server.

    Votes: 141 15.2%

  • Total voters


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Join only 1 1/2 years ago, during the age of shadows. Funny thou I did play in 1997, when I was young, had too clue of it at all and about 6 months go found that I still owned the orignall disk for the game.
Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

started about 2 years ago MAYBE. my friend tyler introduced me to it and i've been playing hybrid ever since. tryed divinity and demise when i came back from a break after losing my internet connection but had to come back ehre.
Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Rambone said:
I started on chessy in late 1997 (Crimson Brigade 4lyfe), and played until 2000.

Exactly like me, early Chessy and then I quit around 2000 and haven't played OSI since, except for a few times at friends houses. And I still have my map too :wdance:


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Didn't start until UO:R (when was that 99?) on Catskills. Played there up until the release of DAoC , came back after I got bored around publish 16 time, stayed up until powerscrolls and all that lovely stuff. Left for Shadowbane, ended up playing on Defiance a few years back. Now I'm here.

Damn, I remember I still had dial up and was so slow. I started pvping right away basically. I had other friends that were real into the game so they basically showed me the ropes. Made an Axer, played him all the way up until the release of factions. A few months before factions I had gotten cable finally and was getting used to finally being fast. Right at factions release I decided to try my mage out, learned from there on out.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

i started ultima from the very first single player game up to ultima 9. i wasn't able to play UO beta or the starting era cause i had no internet connection at that time. i started sometime just before they made those house changes where you could lock things down in the house and introduction of karma/noteriety system... o the fun there was before all that.
i quit UO just after AOS when i say that they made UO into a diablo2 clone =/
Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

When I created my UOGamers:Hybrid forum account.

Edit: Oh but I've been playing the Ultima series since I was five or so. All the first ones on the regular nintendo then on up through the super nintendo.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Whenever AOS came out and they made all the changes forever ruining the game I decided to sell my accounts. I Made about $500 dollars on two accounts which wasn't bad. The person who bought it didnt know the rules I guess and tried to sell all my illegal rares at the brit bank.
Pet llama in a bag >..

Ninety Nine

Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started soon after T2A came out but I left when tram was released. Yep. I think like 50% of the people did.

Bread Eight

Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started playing during open beta but then quit for about a year. For those of you who played pacific during beta or just early on I started beta with Chewy and his cousin Instinct if you guys remember them.


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

Christmas 97. my brother got it for me. i was ten. Quit when soon after ren. Made about $2000 after selling everything we owned in game, and selling $20 per million. About three accounts banned in my uo career on osi


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

around 98 on chessy quit came back quit came back ... played for about 3 years after patch 16 all armor and all that bull got tired of 75 swind speed weapons quit and now just started here at hybrid


Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

I started in Late 97 on baja.

I played a little after pub 16 , and logged in every once in a while to see what all was going on with some old pals that were still playing.

*sigh* the good ole days.

dread lords, LOD killin everything in their paths. when trammy came along, shit just died shortly afterwards.

we had mad fun back in those days.

El Shaggy

Re: When did you start Ultima Online?

It was t2a, my friend got me into it. I would stay at his house everyday and we'de play UO all night and then sleep in shcool during the day. Then one night he got onto my accont and got my boat stolen, and we ended up getting into a fist fight. Didnt talk to him for almost 6 months..... hardcore.