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Why do poeple have to gank?


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
qouted for faggotry.
Faggotry ?
we have all been ganked at some point.
some in diffrent ways. it's what u do after u been ganked that matters!


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Homophobia much?

And because they need to prove they're oh-so-supa-1337. By using bad "gangsta spellinz" and butchering every random person they find.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Rambone said:
Well most of the people on this shard will run the opposite way if you attack them, even 1v1, and it's pretty hard to kill someone when they're running full speed, a screen ahead of you. Thus ganks are necessary to kill effectively.

Very Sadly, there is a lot of truth in this. *Making Friends Furiously*


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Flipper said:
rage thread GO!


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

FearBeforeTheMarchOFlames said:
sounds like that shard was run by trammel then, because ganking has always existed. stop whining because getting ganked should be widely accepted since its been going on for years on end.

Keep telling yourself this while you gank someone cause you suck... Ganking was never the norm on OSI... obviously you didn't play on the skilled shards... because only the people who were absolute shit actually ganked.

At least never the norm until about publish 16.... on this shard i find a 1v1 once a day... on OSI all i found were 1v1's... the only ganking that ever went on was when a bunch of blues at the gate attacked a red and then called him a newb when he ran.

Sorry, but there is no excuse of "its been part of the game forever" or any of this other garble that you speak of... In all fact this is shard, and recent OSI was there mass ganking...

I am not saying ganking never happened, because it did and those people who rpoclaimed lame pieces of shit that suck ass... but don't give me the bullshit of there was always ganking because that is bullshit.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Yeah, you are raged, dude. Anyone that makes that many typos, uses all caps for at least one sentence, curses every other word, and is bitching about something in this game is totally raged. The evidence is all there.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

No, thats Canadians.... Canadians curse every second word... make many typos cause we're drunk and bitch about everything, but we have a right too we have winter for 7 months of the year!


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Actually, I think it's just that you got steamrolled by some bad mothafuckaz.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Yup, thats exactly what it was... bad ass motherfuckers who killed me while i was unable attack when i had no weapon... oh well im kind of over it.... i personally just like to have fun in a game, and when i get ganked every 10 seconds while im on this shard its not fun.
Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Ganking will always happen it sucks sometimes but just go with it and I don't mind fighting solo when i kill someone in 1v3 rare, but its awesome


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
when i get ganked every 10 seconds while im on this shard its not fun.

not fun for u fun for the gankers,

every 10 seconds...dude.