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Why do poeple have to gank?


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

I gank people so that they will learn UO is a MMorpg, not a 1v1 duelzord game :<
There are pits for this type of activity, this 1v1 you speak of, and they are trammelised so you can go and rub each other off one on one all day if you like, or you can field solo and be well prepared, OR (and this is why I gank, in the hope you do this) you can make some friends, join a guild and bring big numbers onto the field to fight the gankers, thus creating a big fight, we all know 8v8 or numbers there abouts in the field is a lot more fun than a 1v1 in trammel, I am sick of you pussies wanting 1v1s in the field, I expect big fun fights, the gank you recieved was punishment for not bringing a big fun fight.
Now deal with it in any of the above methods plz, just to recap:
1:Hide at the pits (aka minitrammel just for you baby)
2:Get better at solo fielding/keep scrolls in your runebook and res in safe locations
3: (and this is my personal favourite) Get guilded one way or another and have some real fun, see how you can handle it when the shit hits the fan and you have 4 different pk guilds all fighting at any given pvp hotspot along with the usual blue gank squad mixing things up a little, hard and fast field action for the win.
4: (this is the secret option) Quit UO and go play a game where 1v1 is enforced 24/7, like..... tetris, or something I don't know, jeez live a little. :/


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

I can see people ganking because you are warring or are pking or whatever... but really is it neccesary to gank someone who has nothing on them? sure if i was prepared i would probably have gotten away and the like.. but i was going to requipt and the jackasses were between me and moonglow... i didn't even have a weapon and i couldn't fight back... i don't think i had para pouches at the time cause i had died alittle while before... but i guess thats how it goes... poeple with no skill need to band together to get loot.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
I can see people ganking because you are warring or are pking or whatever... but really is it neccesary to gank someone who has nothing on them? sure if i was prepared i would probably have gotten away and the like.. but i was going to requipt and the jackasses were between me and moonglow... i didn't even have a weapon and i couldn't fight back... i don't think i had para pouches at the time cause i had died alittle while before... but i guess thats how it goes... poeple with no skill need to band together to get loot.

u are jux bullshitting.
who knows that u got nth in ur bag...

btw it is jux teamwork and it is jux fine for me....
so wut would u expect in war or pking? all ppls play as lonewolf?
so wut is the meaning of a guild?
when i see my fd log in, should i say "Hey! let's separate! dun stick together,piss off!" :)


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Sure you can gank all you want.... i mean it doesn't represent that you have any skill wheny you kill your target....

I guess thats the difference between me and gankers, im not out to kill and loot, im out to have a good fight with someone who is better than i am and so i can learn from it, not get parad and sync dumped by 3 people.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

I don't care much when i'm ganked, as long as the people ganking have some class about it, for example, not shitting talking down to you.

I do find the shit talkers annoying. They kill you in a 5 vs. 1 and than they say "you got no skillz son" "you just a lil fucka yea!". Ironically these same people will call you a pussy or a faggot if you manage to escape and run away =p

So, if you must gank, gank with class! :D


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

dont tell me that you never gank, if u do, congratulations

how could they know u had nothing on ur backpack?

its fun to kill someone anyway

take vengeance on someone else haha

EDIT: SORRY IF WHAT I POSTED SEEMS RUDE, and thanks for ur help on my other post...


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

ganking is fun, but sucks when you get ganked, right? but then theres those who gank and also do solo. and of course the little girls who only come out when in group and never solo. its obvious because they lack in pvp skills. but oh well


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
I guess the game has truly gone down hill since i played on OSI... when i played i hardly ever got ganked and i hardly ever ganked.. i died many times but at least i died fairly...I lost my stuff to 1 person and i actually had the ability to use it... not get ganked by 4 people and never get a single heal off and lose my stuff to 4 people who don't even come close to desvering it.

didn't have vent or the party system back then either :)


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
Seriously holy fuck... thats what makes this shard fucking lame... its good except for the faggot fucking douchebags who gank....

Especially when i have no weapon...


Maybe if i had a weapon to defend myself.. or maybe if there wasn't some faggot continualsly casting paralize for his friend....

For those of you who gank... learn some fucking skill at the game or go die irl cause you are a faggot.

Thank You... This message brought to you by Cursis... possibly a bit angry because he was going to re-euipt....

People gank for this reason..... You get raged. And its funny. I'm laughing right now.


Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

I wasn't raged, i was just posting facts.... cause its the truth.... i don't get raged over UO.

Van Dam

Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

cursis said:
Keep telling yourself this while you gank someone cause you suck... Ganking was never the norm on OSI... obviously you didn't play on the skilled shards... because only the people who were absolute shit actually ganked.

At least never the norm until about publish 16.... on this shard i find a 1v1 once a day... on OSI all i found were 1v1's... the only ganking that ever went on was when a bunch of blues at the gate attacked a red and then called him a newb when he ran.

Sorry, but there is no excuse of "its been part of the game forever" or any of this other garble that you speak of... In all fact this is shard, and recent OSI was there mass ganking...

I am not saying ganking never happened, because it did and those people who rpoclaimed lame pieces of shit that suck ass... but don't give me the bullshit of there was always ganking because that is bullshit.

ok what were the "KILLER SHARDS" because i played chessy and when i was stupid enough to go to a populated spot by myself i got fucking ganked if you dont want to get ganked go join a fucking guild or find some fucking friends the fun part about pvping is you can do it with your friends.... so you and your frieds get together and go kill people regardless if you run into 10 people or 1 you dont wanna get ganked then fucking run or dont go to a pvp spot by yourself.


UOGamers: Divinity Forum Moderator
Re: Why do poeple have to gank?

Didn't read the thread but Im sure this has been mentioned. In a field fight, anything goes. Don't complain if you get ganked. Find some friends and roll with them. That's what makes uo pvp fun

Only fair fight you can rely on is in the duel arena.