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Genocide Pete "Isn't" Mad


Btw I find your forum name to be vulgar and obscene and defamatory

"Transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content."

Are you named Pablo in real life or defaming the name? and why do you feel the need to put such obscene things as your name?


Btw I find your forum name to be vulgar and obscene and defamatory

"Transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content."

Are you named Pablo in real life or defaming the name? and why do you feel the need to put such obscene things as your name?

I find it offensive that you find my name offensive.


The person who banned me has every ability to simply IP ban me, he didn't. I was never told I wasn't wanted back.. I was told I was a dick.

A IP ban isn't a effective measure and is largely worthless on a free site and server..... so why would one waste the time

If you are "banned" from Walmart, it means they don't want you back... right? So since you like logic and rules that does that mean when they ban you from here?

You are using another account to get around a ban, its pretty simple.

Grand Nagus

Hybrid Staff Member
The more troll like post were aimed at the rules that were rather stupid, and I was pointing out how stupid those rules were by trolling with them (which is exactly why I think we need a new list of rules). However most of my post were aimed at shit that could be deemed offensive to others. And on a side note yea, it was kinda fun and I had a few good laughs, especially when I trolled GM Nagus.

Trolling? A second after your post I didn't give you another thought until I saw this.



And don't say your a dick.. If you were a dick well Mickey Monday might just try to suck you, just saying

When you are banned it gives the reason, and it quite literally says "dick"

Did you know if you was banned, and made another forum account to circumvent that ban you could get fire walled? Pretty sure that's in the rules.

I don't see that anywhere in the rules... And at that, 90% of the people on these forums would/should get firewalled then.


A IP ban isn't a effective measure and is largely worthless on a free site and server..... so why would one waste the time

If you are "banned" from Walmart, it means they don't want you back... right? So since you like logic and rules that does that mean when they ban you from here?

You are using another account to get around a ban, its pretty simple.

I got kicked out of wal-mart once... I drove 2 miles to go to the other wal-mart.