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Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Best Dueler Ever

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Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
You truly enjoyed my post? That makes me feel good inside.

You are indeed amazing. Regardless of whether you think I'm good at pvp, or if you think I'm a Trammie, I couldn't give a fuck less. The fact remains that I don't live in a past bred on videogames. I don't tell people, "Oh, back on OSI, I was an amazing pvper. I could double energy bolt over a greater heal with ease."

The fact is, friend, is that nobody gives a shit about you, what you say, or anything you stand for. That's why people call bullshit on what you say; that's why people call you an ignorant piece of shit. For you to reminisce about how good you were merely shows that you've attained nothing else since that point in your "life." Quite sad, really.
I agree


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
Yes 321 pvps with >!<? Naw sorry. You might have seen me there, trying to pick one of the 8 off and here in the past month, if I'm factioning I'm either with KenchiN mainly, or sometimes with Tribal Jester. Other than that you might check me helping a random here or there but Im usually solo. The only time you have killed me is the one res kill you got in at the del pond.....other than that you havn't killed me unless it was a total gank.

I hope that you're kidding about rolling with Tribal Jester; the man is terrible.

Oh, and hit me up on @ lorthicii via AOL Instant Messanger. You've raged me something fierce, and I demand a duel.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

ummmmmmm 23 pages and no mention of gregorio?

pfft you guys are all obviously mistaken!


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

GuderiaN said:
Everyone's laughing at you Furota, don't kid yourself.

EDIT: you're the guy with the "balls" to "roll solo" on your blue char. I "roll solo" on my blue all the time. I don't go looking to gank reds because it's lame. If you're such tough shit, prove it. Join a faction, join a guild (if you can find one to accept you... perhaps you can throw around some gold checks?), and we'll see what you're made of. Until then you're just a blue newbie who talks too much shit on the forums. Speaking of, isn't this the faction forum? Who's your factioner?

Everyone's laughing at me? Whatever will I do... oh, that's right, make bank from selling gold in a videogame that I rarely even play anymore. You may think that I just sit around at the bank, and blah, blah, blah... but really, it's quite easy to earn gold; if I wanted to I'm quite sure that I could make about $100 an hour if I played this game obsessively, which I haven't done since I was... 14?

Either way, rolling "solo" on a blue character is a bit more complicated than doing it in factions; there are far more reds, blues and greys willing to attack a soloer than there are faction members. Don't you read the posts about how factions are dead? The most active guild I've seen is PC... and that's because nobody gives a shit anymore. Revamp, anyone?

As it stands, however, you've hurt my feelings. I believe that I'll go and cry to my mother about how wretched this world is, and how I've seen evil with not one, but two fangs. Oh, do I love apple pie.



Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
Everyone's laughing at me? Whatever will I do... oh, that's right, make bank from selling gold in a videogame that I rarely even play anymore. You may think that I just sit around at the bank, and blah, blah, blah... but really, it's quite easy to earn gold; if I wanted to I'm quite sure that I could make about $100 an hour if I played this game obsessively, which I haven't done since I was... 14?

Either way, rolling "solo" on a blue character is a bit more complicated than doing it in factions; there are far more reds, blues and greys willing to attack a soloer than there are faction members. Don't you read the posts about how factions are dead? The most active guild I've seen is PC... and that's because nobody gives a shit anymore. Revamp, anyone?

As it stands, however, you've hurt my feelings. I believe that I'll go and cry to my mother about how wretched this world is, and how I've seen evil with not one, but two fangs. Oh, do I love apple pie.

You only wish you could make $100 an hour from playing a game. Don't be an idoit anyone who could do that would. I got your aim, if you'll be on later tonight I will message you. Also rolling "solo" on a blue is so hard? Yeah hiding in those guard zones til you can zerg out and kill the PKs. Thats so hard. Oh yeah and I forgot you gotta worry about those thiefs stealing from you. OHH yeah and don't forget if you go to a dungeon you have to worry about the monstors there.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

breakyourarmor said:
thats such a lie about you going undefeated during KRW, even when it wasnt during the prime days. me and a select few dominated that shard, as we did with many shards we would transfer to. now your starting to lie just like ironfist did. cut the BS.
When I played Krw there was maybe 13 people on at the most. Like I said, I heard krw was huge in its prime. I played no where near its prime I just nearly stated I played there and loved the timing. If you want name a server you will duel me on and I will duel you there.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
You only wish you could make $100 an hour from playing a game. Don't be an idoit anyone who could do that would. I got your aim, if you'll be on later tonight I will message you. Also rolling "solo" on a blue is so hard? Yeah hiding in those guard zones til you can zerg out and kill the PKs. Thats so hard. Oh yeah and I forgot you gotta worry about those thiefs stealing from you. OHH yeah and don't forget if you go to a dungeon you have to worry about the monstors there.


Facts: being red = the whole shard can freely attack you, but you can only attack a small amount of them in certain areas. Being blue = guards protect you, nobody can attack you unless you engage them first. Being blue or non-faction means you only choose fights you know you can win, which is for no balls pussies, sadly.

The only time I "roll solo" on a blue is when I'm on my dueling char. And I don't ever leave the pits cause blue vs. red = gay.

PS I beat FCM 5x keke la?


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

PS - you still have no right to post here Furota, until you can prove you faction - this is the FACTION forum.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
if I wanted to I'm quite sure that I could make about $100 an hour if I played this game obsessively, which I haven't done since I was... 14?
100 an hour * 8 hours a day * 40 hours a week=3,200
roughly 6 figures, sirs or 150k a year
im sorry but your fucking stupid and that comment just shows what a moron u are.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

terathan33 said:
100 an hour * 8 hours a day * 40 hours a week=3,200
roughly 6 figures, sirs or 150k a year
im sorry but your fucking stupid and that comment just shows what a moron u are.

how do you think bill gates made all his billions of dollars? from microsoft?

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Played against Tomoa nd qop on a preuor shard. Never lost to him as Deathjester or FiZBaN. He said archery was BS and overpowered and refused to ever duel me after losing 2 duels with me in two opening combos. Later I made a character called Adam the Pirate and beat him with a halberd roleplaying as a pirate and telling him I just started UO to piss him off. The best qop was Flik because he had the sense to run every time I fought him.

People like you are qop wannabes, which I find hilarious since I fought multiple 2 on 2's with them with Xmyth and we never lost. They were a good dueling guild in that they had alot of people that were decent at dueling. None of them were "the best" though.

Also I remember KoC from Chesapeke going to Siege and completely owning it and being mass banned within around a week of being there and duping gold. No Chesapeke players did not go on test center often because we actually had huge guilds that pvpd. All I remember of Test Center was going there when Chesapeke crashed and dueling people who called me a newbie and lucky when I beat them and a no name. Test Center was the biggest collection of banned, speedhacking, self proclaimed "best duelers ever, dysfunctional kids ever.

I am sorry they got banned for cheating in UO really I am. I am even sorrier that they cannot admit someone is better then them, or say good duel.

The funny thing is pkhq and crap has me listed as the best player on UOgamers there when I did a google search looking for old guild pictures of DJs. I am sorry I am not in the IRC community I never have been. I let my playing give me my "rep". I also dont like posting alot, simply because I hate having discussions with aholes that lie about everything and cant touch one person I have named as a good pvpr.

Anyways tomo was never as good as 10 Chesapeke players I could name off the top of my head. I am sorry to have to tell you this. I am sure you have a picture of him up on your wall but he was sadly overated. I will admit he was better preuor then he was uor though. In Uor he was horrible. In preuor he was in the top 10 of any shard he played but not in the top 3. As a pvpr I would rate him about a 8.0 which is high from me. As a person I give him around a .05

People that post about "legends of pvp" who they werent even friends of I give a -10. The funny thing is I hated Tomo because he always whined and lied but I probably talked to him more then you fans of his. Silly fanboys.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

- a ghost - said:
50 a ghosts huh? That just shows you're a conceited little bitch, because I think 1 a ghost can match up 1 Max. I know he is better than me in 1v1 7x, because I do not 1v1 7x. If a 1v1 ever happened, I would 5x it and most of the time win it. Likewise, I know I am better than him in 5x... So I think we are kind of even.
Max was good 7x mage and 7x standard. I remember him winning the second 7x tourney on IPY with a half finished character. Also max was pretty good 5x and I'm sure if he made a mage just for 5x as most of the 5x'ers did, he would be just as good.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
You only wish you could make $100 an hour from playing a game. Don't be an idoit anyone who could do that would. I got your aim, if you'll be on later tonight I will message you. Also rolling "solo" on a blue is so hard? Yeah hiding in those guard zones til you can zerg out and kill the PKs. Thats so hard. Oh yeah and I forgot you gotta worry about those thiefs stealing from you. OHH yeah and don't forget if you go to a dungeon you have to worry about the monstors there.

Actually... if I had a "steady stream" of customers from this shard and I was able to provide that which they needed, $100/hr wouldn't be so hard to attain, so long as I wasn't lax within the industry I'd created.

Also, rolling solo on a blue is much harder than on a red; at least you get red stacks. And no, I don't hide in guard zones. The only time I've ever zerged was when I was in Ent, and even then I was on such a shitty computer that I sort of limped along after them.

Get your facts straight, Mr. Sanchez.
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