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Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Best Dueler Ever

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Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

breakyourarmor said:
have all your posts been about lies and deception? you were never good on osi pre aos, ironfist was a JOKE, and your both too stuck up to admit that you chessy hotshot guilds didnt pvp with 95% of the uo pvp community. your an IDIOT.

you remind me of " a ghost "


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

breakyourarmor said:
have all your posts been about lies and deception? you were never good on osi pre aos, ironfist was a JOKE, and your both too stuck up to admit that you chessy hotshot guilds didnt pvp with 95% of the uo pvp community. your an IDIOT.
To say that Ironfist is a joke will get you no respect on this forum. Ironfist is probably the most respected dueler that has ever been on the shard. Not taking anything away from puppet but Ironfist was just a class act guy, no res killing, no shit talking, and no lame ass pvp type of guy.

I don't think anyone knows who you are and everytime you speak people don't beleive shit you say. I don't know why you keep responding it means nothing.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
That's some bullshit right there. First off, I don't just "see your corpse," as I'm usually the one who kills you when I see you. Secondly, I've seen you MS stack with >!< at Brit GY--or is it merely coincidence that you're there? You also hang around Brit gate a lot; I see you rolling with those house hiding faggots moreso than soloing.

You are not a good pvper. You don't deserve any acclaim whatsoever.

Fuck off.
Yes 321 pvps with >!<? Naw sorry. You might have seen me there, trying to pick one of the 8 off and here in the past month, if I'm factioning I'm either with KenchiN mainly, or sometimes with Tribal Jester. Other than that you might check me helping a random here or there but Im usually solo. The only time you have killed me is the one res kill you got in at the del pond.....other than that you havn't killed me unless it was a total gank.

- a ghost -

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

GeoX said:
you remind me of " a ghost "

I'll take that as a compliment. Breakyourarmor is a good pvper. If you disagree or state that you 'have never heard of him' simply shows you have not played UOGateway back when it was difficult. When I say 'UOGateway back when it was difficult' I mean shards before UOGamers' time. Shards like Abid PvP, Absolute PvP, Academy of War (aow), Academy of Abyss (aoa), UOBattleZone (UOBZ), KRW, etc (break knows what I am talking about). If you have not heard or have not played on any of the servers mentioned, you do not know who a good pvper is even if he had dropped you in a 5x duel as fast as I do.

PS: Why the fuck is ghost not on that list... I know you bitches hated me but that doesn't mean you got to hate on my dueling skills. Give me the recognition I deserve you conceited negros.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

- a ghost - said:
you do not know who a good pvper is even if he had dropped you in a 5x duel as fast as I do.

Give me the recognition I deserve you conceited negros.

your the most conceited negro to ever grace this shard. Also, I never saw you do anything other than 5x, i dunno.. You are a real good 5x'er.. but i never saw you on the field, except for maybe one time. As for a lot of the other names' listed, they were better all-around duelers, not just five exxers


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

I'd take 1 Ironfist Max over 50 a ghosts or 50 breakyourarmors.

I know i'd get a heal from Max.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

- a ghost - said:
I'll take that as a compliment. Breakyourarmor is a good pvper. If you disagree or state that you 'have never heard of him' simply shows you have not played UOGateway back when it was difficult. When I say 'UOGateway back when it was difficult' I mean shards before UOGamers' time. Shards like Abid PvP, Absolute PvP, Academy of War (aow), Academy of Abyss (aoa), UOBattleZone (UOBZ), KRW, etc (break knows what I am talking about). If you have not heard or have not played on any of the servers mentioned, you do not know who a good pvper is even if he had dropped you in a 5x duel as fast as I do.

PS: Why the fuck is ghost not on that list... I know you bitches hated me but that doesn't mean you got to hate on my dueling skills. Give me the recognition I deserve you conceited negros.
Abid was one of the first servers on UOG I ever played...didn't care for it that much as it only turned into a huge gank fest if its what I'm thinking about. Absolute....I'm sure I played it, maybe not in its prime. KrW, also played it and never lost a duel, again though this was nowhere near krw's prime. UOBZ, me and tempest ran that server while uo gamers wiped....then started playing gamers when it came back up.

P.S. There were alot of people that should have been on the list that are better than some people on the list. Reason they didn't make it.....I havn't been here the whole 2+ years the shard has been up. I have took long breaks. Also it's hard to judge really how good someone is when their dueling 5x because so many people made characters just for 5x. Then again its hard to tell how good someone is 7x when their using a hally mage vs a pure mage. Guess you just really have to look at the all around dueling of someone to judge how good they were and Ironfist is probably the best on the list at that with Tempest probably being the next best or Puppet. I know Ironfist could do anything, 5x, 7x, or 7x standard. So could Tempest. I don't know if Puppet could 7x standard or not.

- a ghost -

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
Abid was one of the first servers on UOG I ever played...didn't care for it that much as it only turned into a huge gank fest if its what I'm thinking about. Absolute....I'm sure I played it, maybe not in its prime. KrW, also played it and never lost a duel, again though this was nowhere near krw's prime. UOBZ, me and tempest ran that server while uo gamers wiped....then started playing gamers when it came back up.

P.S. There were alot of people that should have been on the list that are better than some people on the list. Reason they didn't make it.....I havn't been here the whole 2+ years the shard has been up. I have took long breaks. Also it's hard to judge really how good someone is when their dueling 5x because so many people made characters just for 5x. Then again its hard to tell how good someone is 7x when their using a hally mage vs a pure mage. Guess you just really have to look at the all around dueling of someone to judge how good they were and Ironfist is probably the best on the list at that with Tempest probably being the next best or Puppet. I know Ironfist could do anything, 5x, 7x, or 7x standard. So could Tempest. I don't know if Puppet could 7x standard or not.

Since you played UOBZ, you would remember people like Vengeance, Allah, Whiz Kid, HK Nailgun, HK Lowkick, etc. None of the early pvpers get any credit these days. Even though you probably do not believe me, most of the best pvpers EVER on UO/UOGateway were on shards like those. If you played shards like those back in the day, you would then agree that those were the best days of UO, no doubt about it. Then again, you did not play in the prime of each shard, so you might have a different opinion. Those days are gone, showing no signs of returning. No good UOGateway shards have come up since those days, and it does not look like it ever will. If I were to rate the amount of pvpers on shards like Gamers, Defiance, etc., I would have to say that the amount of 'top-elite' pvpers are a 1% or less population on UOGateway. Back in the day, I would make that number around 25%.

Point is, the REAL pvp of UO is gone. The REAL pvpers of UO are gone. And it SICKENS me to see that people that have NEVER played a shard other than UOGamers, state they are the best. Now, I am not innocent. I, too, have said I was the best in something, but I think I have that right. I have been around for a long time, I know the best pvpers and I know the best pvp, and I have held my own on each subject, if not conquered them.

Earth_Crisis, if you truely played those shards I mentioned, you would have to agree the best pvpers played those shards. Every person on your list is someone that strictly played UOGamers, and that is what made this post misleading. Your thread is named 'Best Dueler EVER'. Just seems like it is really 'Best Dueler Within The Past 4 Months'. Then again, I do not blame you, because if you put people that ran UOGateway back then, no one would know who to vote because they would have never heard of any of them. Why? Because they are all new to the pvp scene. All of you that play Gamers as a FIRST and ONLY shard, are new to the pvp scene. I do not care if you started since day one, you are new. Just give more recognition to the old school pvpers...

Just stating my opinion.

- a ghost -

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DementedJester said:
I'd take 1 Ironfist Max over 50 a ghosts or 50 breakyourarmors.

I know i'd get a heal from Max.

I hope you're not the same DementedJester as the guild from Abmagik II.

If so, stick to Pre AoS. Might as well stick to something, you're not very good in either publishes.

50 a ghosts huh? That just shows you're a conceited little bitch, because I think 1 a ghost can match up 1 Max. I know he is better than me in 1v1 7x, because I do not 1v1 7x. If a 1v1 ever happened, I would 5x it and most of the time win it. Likewise, I know I am better than him in 5x... So I think we are kind of even.

As for your 'healing' comment. I just sucked at 2v2 right? Can't drop ONE cross-heal right? Died every 2v2 right?


DJ, you're a moron.

Your credibility is terrible.

Rofl... You would rather take 1 Max than 50 a ghosts... HAH... I believe you.
Then again, you would rather take 1 dick than 50 pussies.

God, I have Europeans; same reason I do not play Defiance. Stupid Europeans jailed me for saying 'negro'. They think it's a racial slur. Lol. Stupid ass European jews.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

ghost is mad because he's not on teh "best duelar evarr" list. [e cry. your not one of the best duelers ever :[. the reason i said breakyourarmor was like you, was because you both make yourselves sound like conceited assholes that can't get over themselves.....

you say 5x is "skill". i say mage 7x and standard 7x require more skill since more skills are forced to be used.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

GeoX said:
ghost is mad because he's not on teh "best duelar evarr" list. [e cry. your not one of the best duelers ever :[. the reason i said breakyourarmor was like you, was because you both make yourselves sound like conceited assholes that can't get over themselves.....

you say 5x is "skill". i say mage 7x and standard 7x require more skill since more skills are forced to be used.

Ghost is mad becuase the only time he's ever remembered is for comedic purposes, sarcastic comments or examples of extreme faggotry.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
To say that Ironfist is a joke will get you no respect on this forum. Ironfist is probably the most respected dueler that has ever been on the shard. Not taking anything away from puppet but Ironfist was just a class act guy, no res killing, no shit talking, and no lame ass pvp type of guy.

I don't think anyone knows who you are and everytime you speak people don't beleive shit you say. I don't know why you keep responding it means nothing.
bs, he lies about me beating him on other freeshards when aos came out, and also he never dueled with the farm/wrong community or pkhq community. i know where i coming from, im sorry you didnt have the privledge of pvping with the best, otherwise youd know how many of the people in these threads are plain out jokes.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

GeoX said:
ghost is mad because he's not on teh "best duelar evarr" list. [e cry. your not one of the best duelers ever :[. the reason i said breakyourarmor was like you, was because you both make yourselves sound like conceited assholes that can't get over themselves.....

you say 5x is "skill". i say mage 7x and standard 7x require more skill since more skills are forced to be used.
we say what we say because we have a wider horizon on the pvp eras of uo and pvpers in general. the uogamers pvp community is a joke, the pvp system is a joke, and most the pvpers here didnt even play uo until uogamers came out, let alone play pre aos osi.

ghost are you cha*******?


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
Abid was one of the first servers on UOG I ever played...didn't care for it that much as it only turned into a huge gank fest if its what I'm thinking about. Absolute....I'm sure I played it, maybe not in its prime. KrW, also played it and never lost a duel, again though this was nowhere near krw's prime. UOBZ, me and tempest ran that server while uo gamers wiped....then started playing gamers when it came back up.

P.S. There were alot of people that should have been on the list that are better than some people on the list. Reason they didn't make it.....I havn't been here the whole 2+ years the shard has been up. I have took long breaks. Also it's hard to judge really how good someone is when their dueling 5x because so many people made characters just for 5x. Then again its hard to tell how good someone is 7x when their using a hally mage vs a pure mage. Guess you just really have to look at the all around dueling of someone to judge how good they were and Ironfist is probably the best on the list at that with Tempest probably being the next best or Puppet. I know Ironfist could do anything, 5x, 7x, or 7x standard. So could Tempest. I don't know if Puppet could 7x standard or not.
thats such a lie about you going undefeated during KRW, even when it wasnt during the prime days. me and a select few dominated that shard, as we did with many shards we would transfer to. now your starting to lie just like ironfist did. cut the BS.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

- a ghost - said:
Since you played UOBZ, you would remember people like Vengeance, Allah, Whiz Kid, HK Nailgun, HK Lowkick, etc. None of the early pvpers get any credit these days. Even though you probably do not believe me, most of the best pvpers EVER on UO/UOGateway were on shards like those. If you played shards like those back in the day, you would then agree that those were the best days of UO, no doubt about it. Then again, you did not play in the prime of each shard, so you might have a different opinion. Those days are gone, showing no signs of returning. No good UOGateway shards have come up since those days, and it does not look like it ever will. If I were to rate the amount of pvpers on shards like Gamers, Defiance, etc., I would have to say that the amount of 'top-elite' pvpers are a 1% or less population on UOGateway. Back in the day, I would make that number around 25%.

Point is, the REAL pvp of UO is gone. The REAL pvpers of UO are gone. And it SICKENS me to see that people that have NEVER played a shard other than UOGamers, state they are the best. Now, I am not innocent. I, too, have said I was the best in something, but I think I have that right. I have been around for a long time, I know the best pvpers and I know the best pvp, and I have held my own on each subject, if not conquered them.

Earth_Crisis, if you truely played those shards I mentioned, you would have to agree the best pvpers played those shards. Every person on your list is someone that strictly played UOGamers, and that is what made this post misleading. Your thread is named 'Best Dueler EVER'. Just seems like it is really 'Best Dueler Within The Past 4 Months'. Then again, I do not blame you, because if you put people that ran UOGateway back then, no one would know who to vote because they would have never heard of any of them. Why? Because they are all new to the pvp scene. All of you that play Gamers as a FIRST and ONLY shard, are new to the pvp scene. I do not care if you started since day one, you are new. Just give more recognition to the old school pvpers...

Just stating my opinion.
I remember Whiz Kid very well, I also remember HK Low Kick. Whiz Kid was the only qop besides I think maybe creampuff that I dueled that beat me consistently. He played gamers and so did creampuff and a random. Actually alot of them played uo gamers. But yeah I agree if all you want to duel, those shards are better. Me, I can't duel all day, that's why I have never had a character with more than 250 duels.

The reason I didn't put anyone up there such as Whiz kid or others, is because there aren't many others here that may know them. I still beleive that most of the people listed are just as good and there are a few that are better than the qop. I didn't list any VoE from defiance either, but the euro's are usually better duelers than americans because they use spell blocks and such which many americans and even myself sometimes consider it lame but very effective. Alot of the people from the fast cast shards I don't think would do very good on a OSI like casting shard. Which Krw was the closest thing I'v seen. I don't know if you remember "a bone" but he was pretty good on fast cast but wasn't shit on gamers. Just the timing adjustment.

Also, alot of these people have played other shards, such as tempest and stfu (Learnin.to.PvP) which is where I got my PK's name Tryin.to.PvP. Not everyone uses the same name on every shard and also the list is from the past 2 years of UO Gamers and the people I have seen. You didn't see me list anyone from my OSI shard did you? I probably should have put Wrath (a player hunter) on there but he had only been dueling alot on the shard for maybe a month when I made the list.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DeathJesteR said:
Nice reply, thanks for taking time out of your day to write this "significant" post. I will be sure to reread it over and over looking for new gems it might contain.

Only problem I see with it? You have never been considered good on any freeshard. Thanks for trying though, maybe if you post enough people will think you can pvp. Maybe if you work a little harder on your sig people will remember your name. Me? I already forgot it. Thanks for playing message board pvp. You lose.

1819 posts. Nice. Were all of them as well thought out as this one? I think we know who needs a life. Good luck with being my future sanitation engineer in michigan

You truly enjoyed my post? That makes me feel good inside.

You are indeed amazing. Regardless of whether you think I'm good at pvp, or if you think I'm a Trammie, I couldn't give a fuck less. The fact remains that I don't live in a past bred on videogames. I don't tell people, "Oh, back on OSI, I was an amazing pvper. I could double energy bolt over a greater heal with ease."

The fact is, friend, is that nobody gives a shit about you, what you say, or anything you stand for. That's why people call bullshit on what you say; that's why people call you an ignorant piece of shit. For you to reminisce about how good you were merely shows that you've attained nothing else since that point in your "life." Quite sad, really.

Oh, and if you think I don't have a life, I was with my girlfriend while you were typing out the pathetic post to which I am replying. Good job there, son.

And, as far as being your "sanitation engineer" goes, I believe that I'll enjoy the job.
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