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Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Best Dueler Ever

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Erwin Rommel

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Is KGB present in any other game? Like WoW or GW


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

yea present in wow we play on archimode. theres a few of us playin gw and eve online.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

i agree with max tomo had excuses fo everytime he died....and slele lord got he as garbage i faceplatned that newb ever shard i joined and i suck 5x..........


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

and honeslt the best 5x on this shard is pouppet hands down....best best 7x mage is puppet hands down cept when valkyr was in his prime u can even ask godless best 7x standard id say geox or max...........


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

and when anyone else has 7 chars i b the top 30 with 600 losses u mihgt be the best duelist..........till then godless owns everyone.....


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Hey Trunks... I find it so hard to believe that you're anywhere near being among even decent duelers. I've killed you so many fucking times that I could feed my beetle for a year with your heads.

Your character is Tryin.To.PvP? You're terrible. Stop making threads like this when all you do is ms stack at the GY or run 1v1 in the field.



Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Folken1 said:

havent been on that afro board ina while tho ;<

Whoa... yeah me either, it's pretty much dead. I remember just starting here and I think it was you, maybe Sub Zero, Wu? Phontain? I dunno it was a while ago. But yeah those boards kicked ass I know you got banned a few times, everyone hated you lol

Probably don't remember me but I'm Zero (TBH)


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
Hey Trunks... I find it so hard to believe that you're anywhere near being among even decent duelers. I've killed you so many fucking times that I could feed my beetle for a year with your heads.

Your character is Tryin.To.PvP? You're terrible. Stop making threads like this when all you do is ms stack at the GY or run 1v1 in the field.


you win dude, grats


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
Hey Trunks... I find it so hard to believe that you're anywhere near being among even decent duelers. I've killed you so many fucking times that I could feed my beetle for a year with your heads.

Your character is Tryin.To.PvP? You're terrible. Stop making threads like this when all you do is ms stack at the GY or run 1v1 in the field.

You think? Im not good anymore as you can see this is a very old thread and also that is says ever? Meaning could have been a while back? If you search through someone older threads you will see me mentioned many times as a very good 5x'er and if you care to 5x Ill gladly duel you. Not saying Im good anymore but lets see how good you think you are.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

I think Trunks would wipe the floor with trammy Lorthic.

P.S. trunks doesn't flame your threads why do you feel the need to flame his? just because you think your e-peen's bigger due to your video game money doesn't mean you can be an e-prick =(


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
You think? Im not good anymore as you can see this is a very old thread and also that is says ever? Meaning could have been a while back? If you search through someone older threads you will see me mentioned many times as a very good 5x'er and if you care to 5x Ill gladly duel you. Not saying Im good anymore but lets see how good you think you are.

Why're you so upset, sir?


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
Why're you so upset, sir?
I love how you can read my post and feel the angry. Damn I should be a writer if I'm that good :rolleyes: . You would think I'm upset, but you dug up an old post, just so you could flame me :p

What does seeing my corpse around del or anywhere have to do with dueling? Field fighting and dueling are 2 totally different things. Also I have never stack MS'd at the graveyard. I hardly ever even get the chance to gank people much less stack MS. I have stack ebolted at del before, which I found very fun.
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