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Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Best Dueler Ever

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Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

I'm pretty sure they made the guild and then asked you to join and be one of 3 GMs. I don't think you even made the guild but then again, who cares? I think this other guy is saying that they have all the old members and you came here and you're the only F-U from chesapeake in it. I could be wrong but this seems like common sense to me. At least you stopped playing with -S- because man, those guys were god awful.

I think you should have YOUR GUILD that YOU left change the abbreviation so Eval and the rest of the real guild can take it back. Hey thats just my opinion...

Are there any members from chesapeake currently in the guild you created here Ironfist? just curious...

The real keith

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

They all suck, I think the best was Vicky Steel, Old school I guess. So the name wont be recognized

Ironfist Max

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Hi, I'm Eval.

People who play with us on dfi are: Myself, Slaveboy, Ven, Logan, Zippy, Learned hand, Ramzal, Susie, and Mandrake made a char but doesn't play anymore.

In addition we have a certain Jiggo.

Hi, welcome.
Play where you want.
Call yourself what you want.

But please do not try to dictate what I do or what I have done on a shard that you have not existed on. Do you see me going on Defiance and trying to say "OMG JIGGO WAS NOT ON THE ORIGINAL CHESAPEAKE ROSTER" and trying to start ****.?

In the meantime let's leave the flamewars to the drama queens shall we?

Trust me, UOG has plenty of them:/

-Ironfist Max

Ironfist Max

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Grey|c2w said:
I'm pretty sure they made the guild and then asked you to join and be one of 3 GMs. I don't think you even made the guild but then again, who cares? I think this other guy is saying that they have all the old members and you came here and you're the only F-U from chesapeake in it. I could be wrong but this seems like common sense to me. At least you stopped playing with -S- because man, those guys were god awful.

I think you should have YOUR GUILD that YOU left change the abbreviation so Eval and the rest of the real guild can take it back. Hey thats just my opinion...

Are there any members from chesapeake currently in the guild you created here Ironfist? just curious...

Wrong. I made the guild with them. They asked me to be one of the 3 GM's when it was created. Yes, there is another original "F-U" Chesapeake member here.

Im done talking on this thread. I hate flame wars and I bear absolutly no ill will towards my former guildmates.

If this is about the F-U stone, sure they can have it. I am not using it. Im sure Eval and Slaveboy both know they are the only people I would give the stone to.

-Ironfist Max


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

I wasn't starting ****. It was a friendly post stating what OUR members are doing these days. But since you bring it up. Grey summed it up for me, but I don't care enough to argue about ancient history. And you totally snuck zepyhre in the guild, but again I really have no problems with you. It's just weird seeing some dude I don't know with my guild name in his signature.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

I wasn't starting ****. It was a friendly post stating what OUR members are doing these days. But since you bring it up. Grey summed it up for me, but I don't care enough to argue about ancient history. And you totally snuck zepyhre in the guild, but again I really have no problems with you. It's just weird seeing some dude I don't know with my guild name in his signature.
If it will stop all the **** talking and flaming then I will take the ****ing signature off. I rarely play this shard anymore so it doesn't mean much. Was just a signature anyway, I know I was in F-U on UO Gamers, I could care less about any other shard. Why make such a big deal about something so small :confused:

chris davis

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

If you ever refer to issue involving my guild as small again I will eat your children.

Howdie Max.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Slaveboy said:
If you ever refer to issue involving my guild as small again I will eat your children.

Howdie Max.
If you actually think fighting over something so stupid is a big issues you need to involve yourself in life more sir.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Ironfist Max said:
Eval went to a different shard and re-made F-U.
Incidently, Ironfist went to a different shard and re-made F-U.

Earth Crisis was a member of my F-U guild, and he WAS a recognized member of my F-U guild.

The only permission Earth Crisis needed to join F-U was mine, the guildmaster of F-U on this shard, and he got it.

Who the hell are you?

-Ironfist Max

oh oh me me me



Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!


zero said:
Do NOT post other people's personal information (address, phone number, pornography, etc) about other users on the forums. I have already deleted one post of this nature. Continued attempts will likely cause severe consquences.

Thank you.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

epi said:
I tried tot ype that in all caps but it didn't let me :(

All Ill say about this thread is most of the people on that list that I dueled against (either on pac or test) didn't used to be great duelers at all. That being said I quit UO when AoS came out and havent played since so I can see how after two years they could of gotten alot better. From my own experience the best duelers I ever played were:

Pax Romain (pac)
tomoyaki (test)

Of course you guys are talking about UoGamers PvP and I hadn't played on UoGamers until a few days ago so..

EDIT: I didn;t read much of this thread but I saw qop mentioned so I'll comment on that. My honest opinion on qop from TC was there were 3-4 extremely skilled duelers and a bunch of average ones that associated with them. Thats just my opinion though. The only person I can remember dueling multiple times on any shard and hardly winning ever was Pax. tomo was good but I probably beat him as many times as he beat me.
love it how people come in and say they were just as good as tomo, yet just about everytime i saw him duel with anyone outside tc wrong/farms, they would get waxed. most the time tomo would set his resist 0 just to show them how bad they were. i would def say almost everyone that dueled regularly tc farms/wrong were way above average compared to the osi community.
i was def not the best, but i could easily go 10-0 with your everyday stuck up guild/field fighter, which was mostly the uogamers community :)


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Violent Society said:
Best Duelers Ever

2.Belgarath from catskills. He doesnt play here but ppl who used to play on catkills will agree with me .
3.Bill Nye . From catskills too , he used to play uo gamers some but he gave up due to the ridiculous dmg and ma spam.
4.The others are wannabes

Have a nice day.
bro have you ever heard of skeleton lord from cats? i saw him and Bill Nye duel on tc, when bill claimed he was "the best" or somethin and he was owned multiple times. Bill Nye was more of a forum warrior than a dueler lol.

Ironfist Max

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

breakyourarmor said:
love it how people come in and say they were just as good as tomo, yet just about everytime i saw him duel with anyone outside tc wrong/farms, they would get waxed. most the time tomo would set his resist 0 just to show them how bad they were. i would def say almost everyone that dueled regularly tc farms/wrong were way above average compared to the osi community.
i was def not the best, but i could easily go 10-0 with your everyday stuck up guild/field fighter, which was mostly the uogamers community :)

I beat tomo 4 times in front of his friends and he had an excuse for everytime he died. He never beat me. The only thing I remember about him was his whining and complaining. He also went on about how he was the best, bleh bleh bleh.

-Ironfist Max


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

from pac best dueler ive ever had the pleasure of dueling and or watching duel.

Erwin Rommel

Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!


Ryu, are there many other KGB here? And from what I remember Houd of Thugs was pretty good, I remember him being on here, him being a newb to the server and me and him getting PKed trying to make some $$... doubt he still is here though... saw him on WoW


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Yea there is about 10 of us or so. We would have more but some or so old school they didnt wanna play any type of uor and went to a few other servers.
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