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Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Best Dueler Ever

  • Total voters
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Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Joshua said:
i agree with max tomo had excuses fo everytime he died....and slele lord got he as garbage i faceplatned that newb ever shard i joined and i suck 5x..........
youve just made my day, thats the funniest thing i have read so far on these boards. tomo and skele lord were 2 of the best 5x duelers to ever grace UO pre aos. if you "faceplatned" skele then you must be the BEST dueler ever. oh wait, whose ever heard of some newb named "joshua" in a the guild ">i<"? is that another hotshot warring guild that only dueled people on their shard and thought they were the best? simply put, you make up things because in reality you SUCKED pre aos osi.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

muscle mother fuckers


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

breakyourarmor said:
youve just made my day, thats the funniest thing i have read so far on these boards. tomo and skele lord were 2 of the best 5x duelers to ever grace UO pre aos. if you "faceplatned" skele then you must be the BEST dueler ever. oh wait, whose ever heard of some newb named "joshua" in a the guild ">i<"? is that another hotshot warring guild that only dueled people on their shard and thought they were the best? simply put, you make up things because in reality you SUCKED pre aos osi.
Who's ever heard of "breakyourarmor", You must be some newbie ass macing dexxer ;)
Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Why do people even talk about OSI and Test Center? Dueling was completely different on OSI. You could speed cast. I am not gonna get into a debate again about speedcasting because I tried to explain it before and got called a newbie that had no clue to what I was even talking about. You know, the people that worshipped Tomo who was not even that good at it. Yes this is the same Tomo that got smoked by jsut about every good Chesapeke player to duel him on test. Ironfist didnt even use speedcast well back then but he had the best defense of any player I ever played so he would outlast you. Also on Uo shards mindblast completely screwed over duel stat characters. 115 str 80 int 30 dex, or 115 85 20.

Also note and you can ask Ironfist this. If we dueled with the exact same stats it was pretty much a draw if the player is very good. You could take around 10 people that I have played with and against on freeshard and noone would ever lose or win with duel stats and a healing template. Why do you think the top ranked duelers hide their stats?

5 x is dependent on ping since you cannot speedcast on UOgamers and I think it is pretty much pointless once you reach a certain level of being good. Nevertheless I dueled everyone 5 x who asked, despite me having 85 str and them having 110 and over. I won most of those fights. People that beat me were Rage KoC (Grey), Mastu Ki, Folken, Trunks. Of those the two who beat me more then I beat them were Matsu Ki, and Rage. Both had high str on those templates where mine was low. I would say Mastu Ki was probably my toughest fight 5 x when I played alot.

I think this thread should be who would you least like to see in the field one on one no rules. In which case it would be.

1.Ironfist Max
2. Valkyr
3. Temptest

There are alot of good players on freeshards that I have seen but these are the only 3 where I am thinking, damn this will be a tough fight. Yeah warriors with potions are good. Teleport is better. If you fight them where you want to fight them (run them to the hedge maze, GY fences) you can smoke them.
That and the fact that any good mage could be a better warrior then any warrior has ever been.

Well their is my vote. on the top 3. I could go on and on of great players like Trunks, Matsu Ki, Godless, Rage, but these are the only 3 I would really be scared of too see in the field in a one on one.

Two on two is a different story. You would have to make a list of before and after modded clients that prevented you from healing over poison. Which makes a group fighting list pretty much pointless now.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Earth_Crisis said:
I love how you can read my post and feel the angry. Damn I should be a writer if I'm that good :rolleyes: . You would think I'm upset, but you dug up an old post, just so you could flame me :p

What does seeing my corpse around del or anywhere have to do with dueling? Field fighting and dueling are 2 totally different things. Also I have never stack MS'd at the graveyard. I hardly ever even get the chance to gank people much less stack MS. I have stack ebolted at del before, which I found very fun.

That's some bullshit right there. First off, I don't just "see your corpse," as I'm usually the one who kills you when I see you. Secondly, I've seen you MS stack with >!< at Brit GY--or is it merely coincidence that you're there? You also hang around Brit gate a lot; I see you rolling with those house hiding faggots moreso than soloing.

You are not a good pvper. You don't deserve any acclaim whatsoever.

Fuck off.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DeathJesteR said:
Why do people even talk about OSI and Test Center? Dueling was completely different on OSI. You could speed cast. I am not gonna get into a debate again about speedcasting because I tried to explain it before and got called a newbie that had no clue to what I was even talking about. You know, the people that worshipped Tomo who was not even that good at it. Yes this is the same Tomo that got smoked by jsut about every good Chesapeke player to duel him on test. Ironfist didnt even use speedcast well back then but he had the best defense of any player I ever played so he would outlast you. Also on Uo shards mindblast completely screwed over duel stat characters. 115 str 80 int 30 dex, or 115 85 20.

Also note and you can ask Ironfist this. If we dueled with the exact same stats it was pretty much a draw if the player is very good. You could take around 10 people that I have played with and against on freeshard and noone would ever lose or win with duel stats and a healing template. Why do you think the top ranked duelers hide their stats?

5 x is dependent on ping since you cannot speedcast on UOgamers and I think it is pretty much pointless once you reach a certain level of being good. Nevertheless I dueled everyone 5 x who asked, despite me having 85 str and them having 110 and over. I won most of those fights. People that beat me were Rage KoC (Grey), Mastu Ki, Folken, Trunks. Of those the two who beat me more then I beat them were Matsu Ki, and Rage. Both had high str on those templates where mine was low. I would say Mastu Ki was probably my toughest fight 5 x when I played alot.

I think this thread should be who would you least like to see in the field one on one no rules. In which case it would be.

1.Ironfist Max
2. Valkyr
3. Temptest

There are alot of good players on freeshards that I have seen but these are the only 3 where I am thinking, damn this will be a tough fight. Yeah warriors with potions are good. Teleport is better. If you fight them where you want to fight them (run them to the hedge maze, GY fences) you can smoke them.
That and the fact that any good mage could be a better warrior then any warrior has ever been.

Well their is my vote. on the top 3. I could go on and on of great players like Trunks, Matsu Ki, Godless, Rage, but these are the only 3 I would really be scared of too see in the field in a one on one.

Two on two is a different story. You would have to make a list of before and after modded clients that prevented you from healing over poison. Which makes a group fighting list pretty much pointless now.

I started to read it, and then realize that it held no significance.

Your life is such a pwot.
Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Furota said:
I started to read it, and then realize that it held no significance.

Your life is such a pwot.

Nice reply, thanks for taking time out of your day to write this "significant" post. I will be sure to reread it over and over looking for new gems it might contain.

Only problem I see with it? You have never been considered good on any freeshard. Thanks for trying though, maybe if you post enough people will think you can pvp. Maybe if you work a little harder on your sig people will remember your name. Me? I already forgot it. Thanks for playing message board pvp. You lose.

1819 posts. Nice. Were all of them as well thought out as this one? I think we know who needs a life. Good luck with being my future sanitation engineer in michigan


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

Everyone's laughing at you Furota, don't kid yourself.

EDIT: you're the guy with the "balls" to "roll solo" on your blue char. I "roll solo" on my blue all the time. I don't go looking to gank reds because it's lame. If you're such tough shit, prove it. Join a faction, join a guild (if you can find one to accept you... perhaps you can throw around some gold checks?), and we'll see what you're made of. Until then you're just a blue newbie who talks too much shit on the forums. Speaking of, isn't this the faction forum? Who's your factioner?


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DeathJesteR said:
Nice reply, thanks for taking time out of your day to write this "significant" post. I will be sure to reread it over and over looking for new gems it might contain.

Only problem I see with it? You have never been considered good on any freeshard. Thanks for trying though, maybe if you post enough people will think you can pvp. Maybe if you work a little harder on your sig people will remember your name. Me? I already forgot it. Thanks for playing message board pvp. You lose.

1819 posts. Nice. Were all of them as well thought out as this one? I think we know who needs a life. Good luck with being my future sanitation engineer in michigan



Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DeathJesteR said:
Why do people even talk about OSI and Test Center? Dueling was completely different on OSI. You could speed cast. I am not gonna get into a debate again about speedcasting because I tried to explain it before and got called a newbie that had no clue to what I was even talking about. You know, the people that worshipped Tomo who was not even that good at it. Yes this is the same Tomo that got smoked by jsut about every good Chesapeke player to duel him on test. Ironfist didnt even use speedcast well back then but he had the best defense of any player I ever played so he would outlast you. Also on Uo shards mindblast completely screwed over duel stat characters. 115 str 80 int 30 dex, or 115 85 20.

Also note and you can ask Ironfist this. If we dueled with the exact same stats it was pretty much a draw if the player is very good. You could take around 10 people that I have played with and against on freeshard and noone would ever lose or win with duel stats and a healing template. Why do you think the top ranked duelers hide their stats?

5 x is dependent on ping since you cannot speedcast on UOgamers and I think it is pretty much pointless once you reach a certain level of being good. Nevertheless I dueled everyone 5 x who asked, despite me having 85 str and them having 110 and over. I won most of those fights. People that beat me were Rage KoC (Grey), Mastu Ki, Folken, Trunks. Of those the two who beat me more then I beat them were Matsu Ki, and Rage. Both had high str on those templates where mine was low. I would say Mastu Ki was probably my toughest fight 5 x when I played alot.

I think this thread should be who would you least like to see in the field one on one no rules. In which case it would be.

1.Ironfist Max
2. Valkyr
3. Temptest

There are alot of good players on freeshards that I have seen but these are the only 3 where I am thinking, damn this will be a tough fight. Yeah warriors with potions are good. Teleport is better. If you fight them where you want to fight them (run them to the hedge maze, GY fences) you can smoke them.
That and the fact that any good mage could be a better warrior then any warrior has ever been.

Well their is my vote. on the top 3. I could go on and on of great players like Trunks, Matsu Ki, Godless, Rage, but these are the only 3 I would really be scared of too see in the field in a one on one.

Two on two is a different story. You would have to make a list of before and after modded clients that prevented you from healing over poison. Which makes a group fighting list pretty much pointless now.
once again, all that you say about tomo and the top duelers is bs. everyone should blindly agree with me because check out what you said in my sig. you thought you could dbl ebolt through peopples gheals!!! how funny is that? anyone who spent about a day dueling on pre aos osi knew that there was WAY too much dmg delay on the ebolt AND recovery to pull that off, your saying you could do the impossible. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PING. wow i love chessy newb guild warring hotshots, thought they were all great but when id piss the guild off and challenge them to duels, they would get smoked. NEWBS.


Re: Best Dueler Ever Final Thread!

DeathJesteR said:
Nice reply, thanks for taking time out of your day to write this "significant" post. I will be sure to reread it over and over looking for new gems it might contain.

Only problem I see with it? You have never been considered good on any freeshard. Thanks for trying though, maybe if you post enough people will think you can pvp. Maybe if you work a little harder on your sig people will remember your name. Me? I already forgot it. Thanks for playing message board pvp. You lose.

1819 posts. Nice. Were all of them as well thought out as this one? I think we know who needs a life. Good luck with being my future sanitation engineer in michigan
have all your posts been about lies and deception? you were never good on osi pre aos, ironfist was a JOKE, and your both too stuck up to admit that you chessy hotshot guilds didnt pvp with 95% of the uo pvp community. your an IDIOT.
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