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Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Xx Felipe xX;2062166 said:
So you can offscreen/bola and wands? no thanks. I know ur gay set fielding fights already... nothing i cant beat, but too much work to kill a scrub like you (just because the excuses i gave up). Feel free to aim me, i will fight you in pits any kind char, u can even bring ur dexxer, but i bet ur diein first combo, cuz u cant offscreen like on field.



Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

KhaoZ-hybrid;2062160 said:
Lmao nice way to make yourself look as bad as you are. First sets Dexers and tamers vs 2 maybe 3 guys u fail. Seccond set is 9v3 lol nice pics scrub. You guys always die to us even numbers so gtfo my nutts.

im pretty sure there are more than 3 in that pic, let alone all the others that were off screening


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

I have counted 5 in the pictures alone, tell your bitchs you quit off screening next time so I can get more pictures. If your guys would actually cross heal your asses instead of running when someone gets dropped or running up and casting a fucking blade spirit then running like a bitch maybe, just maybe, you could do something lol.
Only time you guys don't offscreen every 5 seconds is when you have 15 people against 5.
Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

KhaoZ-hybrid;2062164 said:
Lol hillarious you say we need numbers but the pic is 9v4 are you mental?

HAHA, that confirms everything! You only win when you have outrages advantages and still, when you do have ridiculous numbers, you continue to play cheap. Just yesterday you had numbers 6vs2 and you guys still resorted to bolaing then para ganking...

It's also "hilarious" you say you have NEVER lost a fight at your guild house but once to MS and now there's photo evidence of you being PWNED by a so-called tamer guild with no pets..

Every time you write on these forums you lose credibility, you spew nothing but pure bullshit and ego boosting lies.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

cumquat;2062144 said:
well... I got more..

Are you retarded? In the Dungeon picture I can count two GNG, and one down in Balron room, 1 tamer with mare and dragon with such a cluster fuck of names, all I see is two money. In the stares picture, two money, one dead GNG, and some other guy that you probably called in to help kill them. [e clap Don't talk shit about rolling us with uneven numbers.

Trail Blazin-

Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

yeah stop blading the shit out of us you fucking scrubs when you had the numbers thats sad


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

cumquat;2062104 said:
P.V.P. Comedy #1, Carl Murphy III recalled into Guild House and is dropped before he can move 1 tile

I love the screen shot of pure pvp pwnage when it takes 8 people to kill Carl, the guy on dial up.

issy;2062184 said:
im pretty sure there are more than 3 in that pic, let alone all the others that were off screening

That makes perfect sense, lets off screen and run away from an easily accessible fortification which works just as well as an off screen but without the need to actually run (a.k.a. enter the guild house).

You're an idiot.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Last night G&G got dirted as well as the party of 5 blue japs that came later to dirt G&G. It was a shit fest and we were stuck in the middle of it but in the end >$< was victorious.


Trail Blazin-

Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Aletheides;2062288 said:
Last night G&G got dirted as well as the party of 5 blue japs that came later to dirt G&G. It was a shit fest and we were stuck in the middle of it but in the end >$< was victorious.



Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

not everyone can be good, why discriminate. its just their method of playing


Re: $ is garbage...Obviously

GimpCent;2061212 said:
Reign you are fat either which way you don't win.... no need to thank anyone
I think the "reign is fat" thing is getting old and tbh...irrelevant ... wtf does what she does or doesn't look like have to do with UO?? Leave kindergarten behind and grow the fuck up..


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

I'm not a big fan of Reign myself...but the personal attacks are downright childish and tell you far more about the attacker than the one being made fun of.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

C'mon! You guys all know that gamer chicks are all fat irl!


Seriously, I think the only reason guys attack women with their weight is cuz they think all women are self-conscious about themselves and think it's like the ultimate insult. Then when their childish comments fail to get a response, they make even more childish comments to try and save face. Little do they know that most women on internet forums don't give a rats ass about what others think.