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Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Jaxsyn;2063671 said:
C'mon! You guys all know that gamer chicks are all fat irl!


Seriously, I think the only reason guys attack women with their weight is cuz they think all women are self-conscious about themselves and think it's like the ultimate insult. Then when their childish comments fail to get a response, they make even more childish comments to try and save face. Little do they know that most women on internet forums don't give a rats ass about what others think.

The fact is...women gamers put up with a lot of shit playing in a "male dominated" arena...you are right...we don't care...or we wouldn't be here.
Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

if they took 2 spells out of the spellbook money and gng wouldnt be able to play(para and MS). i watch the other day as 7-8 money stacked with ms loaded right where the gng come out to do the same thing. of course i teled in the middle and fucked that all up making everyone hit each other. i got a good laugh. learn that random blue or random enemies dont always work to your advantage. and anytime someone has 2 times as many and casts ms they will only have half thier mana used unless they just suck at aoe spells too.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

actually you didnt fuck anything up, we still killed ur lumberjacker and DMG & Nimb
BTW this is to a previous post that black sheep made.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Anenigma;2064078 said:
lol I've never used para in my life Mr. Sheep sir!!

You have never really pvped....

you just mark runebooks and hmm bitch and try to get people kicked out of G&G when they make fun of you for the truth.....
Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

GimpCent;2064323 said:
You have never really pvped....

you just mark runebooks and hmm bitch and try to get people kicked out of G&G when they make fun of you for the truth.....


a lawyer

Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

incubusfan1413;2064034 said:
if they took 2 spells out of the spellbook money and gng wouldnt be able to play(para and MS). i watch the other day as 7-8 money stacked with ms loaded right where the gng come out to do the same thing. of course i teled in the middle and fucked that all up making everyone hit each other. i got a good laugh. learn that random blue or random enemies dont always work to your advantage. and anytime someone has 2 times as many and casts ms they will only have half thier mana used unless they just suck at aoe spells too.

dont forget blade spirits


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Money doesn't really use Blades too much shit flying around... yes we use MS occasionally, who doesn't. And it wasn't MS that nailed ur ass to the ground mr sheep although its probably to be expected that you didnt see what killed you b/c it was so instant...


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

VeritasAequitas;2061601 said:
[e sigh

Another G&G idiot outing himself... If you cant win on the field try to win on the forums I guess, eh? From my time fighting you guys on ice there were 2 drops, one on epitaph and one on hillbilly, then Dabas went and hid. If you're going to tell a story please at least tell it accurately.

for one Dabas was the only G&G for two u guys attempted 3 or 4 drops and failed on me but finally when u did get an alright with 6 of your people ya i died and i was caller so they ran and were unorganized about it but still we had 12 of you house-hideing 3v12... but ya know i dont want to argue about this i seriously do love a good FAIR field fight so im done talkin shit but if u want a good clean field fight no bolas no gank maybe 3v3 or 5v5 or somewhere in that area pm me or find me in game
Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

1.) I was in a party with one person and we weren't even in vent together.
2.) I was in no way coordinating attacks with >$<.
3.) Field fight = everything goes, including bolas.
4.) Every time we fight you in field you die or run.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

GimpCent;2064323 said:
You have never really pvped....

you just mark runebooks and hmm bitch and try to get people kicked out of G&G when they make fun of you for the truth.....

For one jynx has been pvping before you ever joined. She damn sure was alot more help then your off screen scrub ass waste of a heal. You got kicked because your a moron not because of jynx no one like's you tbqh

Dany Mortal;2064324 said:

Now dany I like you we were alway's kewl on uowow but your aint never even been in G&G so you aint got shit to say in the matter. Were not talking about blutt or any EQ/MS member's.


(QUOTE=KhaoZ-hybrid;2065307]For one jynx has been pvping before you ever joined. She damn sure was alot more help then your off screen scrub ass waste of a heal. You got kicked because your a moron not because of jynx no one like's you tbqh

Now dany I like you we were alway's kewl on uowow but your aint never even been in G&G so you aint got shit to say in the matter. Were not talking about blutt or any EQ/MS member's.[/QUOTE)

I got kicked? Wtf....

I left I don't hate anyone in G&G.... I didn't leave on bad terms

Jinx is not a pvper by any means to pretend otherwise a error on your part fair sir

Futhermore the reason behind me leaving only due to the lack of recruitment policy..... same reason nimbao doesn't come into vent much or the reason boss is always in a private channel... we hate the sound of 8 yr old booys crying like girls

Ps everyone besides nimbao is a waste of a heal.... your fucking gm has hiding in his template.... I've seen him hide instead of heal teammate. With that leading you how can you be anymore other than a joke and how could I do anything but leave.....

Left for ip not only are they better pvpers but in the first week I made 5 mil

Futhermore the reason behind me leaving only due to the lack of recruitment policy..... same reason nimbao doesn't come into vent much or the reason boss is always in a private channel... we hate the sound of 8 yr old booys crying like girls

Ps everyone besides nimbao is a waste of a heal.... your fucking gm has hiding in his template.... I've seen him hide instead of heal teammate. With that leading you how can you be anymore other than a joke and how could I do anything but leave.....

Left for ip not only are they better pvpers but in the first week I made 5 mil


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

GimpCent;2065324 said:
(QUOTE=KhaoZ-hybrid;2065307]For one jynx has been pvping before you ever joined. She damn sure was alot more help then your off screen scrub ass waste of a heal. You got kicked because your a moron not because of jynx no one like's you tbqh

Now dany I like you we were alway's kewl on uowow but your aint never even been in G&G so you aint got shit to say in the matter. Were not talking about blutt or any EQ/MS member's.[/QUOTE)

I got kicked? Wtf....

I left I don't hate anyone in G&G.... I didn't leave on bad terms

Jinx is not a pvper by any means to pretend otherwise a error on your part fair sir



Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

GimpCent;2065332 said:
Futhermore the reason behind me leaving only due to the lack of recruitment policy..... same reason nimbao doesn't come into vent much or the reason boss is always in a private channel... we hate the sound of 8 yr old booys crying like girls

Ps everyone besides nimbao is a waste of a heal.... your fucking gm has hiding in his template.... I've seen him hide instead of heal teammate. With that leading you how can you be anymore other than a joke and how could I do anything but leave.....

Left for ip not only are they better pvpers but in the first week I made 5 mil

Nimbao uses skype because he has harsh lag in team speak and vent. Also we dont have anyone under 18 in the guild it is a guild rule I strongly monitor. No jynx is not a pvper but she can pvp she isnt the best solo but she damn sure can x heal and load when told to. More than I can say for most of IP. Pretty bad I just the other day dropped 3 of your "best" on my blue 1v4. But hey I respect sheep he want's a useless dexing homo in his guild not contributing shit then that's his call.

p.s. I have been in G&G almost 4 yrs and I dont even remember you other than being a very bad dexer who talk's shit without backing it up and is in IP.
You musta been a lame ass worthless anoying loser I'm sure I must have muted you or something. That's funny I remember simmon cowell being in G&G I even remember his voice but I damn sure dont even know you. Must be sweet being an 04'er and still being a nobody lawls


KhaoZ-hybrid;2065338 said:
Nimbao uses skype because he has harsh lag in team speak and vent. Also we dont have anyone under 18 in the guild it is a guild rule I strongly monitor. No jynx is not a pvper but she can pvp she isnt the best solo but she damn sure can x heal and load when told to. More than I can say for most of IP. Pretty bad I just the other day dropped 3 of your "best" on my blue 1v4. But hey I respect sheep he want's a useless dexing homo in his guild not contributing shit then that's his call.

p.s. I have been in G&G almost 4 yrs and I dont even remember you other than being a very bad dexer who talk's shit without backing it up and is in IP.
You musta been a lame ass worthless anoying loser I'm sure I must have muted you or something. That's funny I remember simmon cowell being in G&G I even remember his voice but I damn sure dont even know you. Must be sweet being an 04'er and still being a nobody lawls

I didn't join vent for the same reason.......

and nimbao didn't use vent before Skype was anything.....

Most of DMG was in G&G none are 18.... for one just off the top of my head

and I will gladly fight you because the fact is without a doubt you didn't win 1 vs 4 vs any guild

Whats your in game name

we need a factcheck.com for UoGamers

KhaoZ-hybrid;2065337 said:

I was on a phone..... learn not to give a shit

PS nothing about me getting kicked out? you dropped that part without any comment.......

I have no issues or problems with G&G I had fun when I was in there.... they are what they are but to pretend to be something you arent in a fantasy world is foolish or maybe thats why you prefer fantasy games I dont know....

Oh oH donald trump there was another below 18 G&G

Pvper of Justice is like 10

It appears to have a habit of making up shit

[Jacon's Slave, G&G]
[Jacon'c Slave, G&G]
[Jacon's Slave, G&G]

Thats what any respectable female would want their guild tag to be

You have two good players Nimbao and some badass dexxer who I cant remember his name I was to busy trying to stay alive

Anyways anytime you want to do that 1on1 fight vs me just msged me

Or maybe you want to do that 4 vs 1 fight again and show me how to pvp

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (3 members and 0 guests)
GimpCent, VeritasAequitas+, UlrichG&G

Hi Ulrich






Donald was 17 and he was in before the rule change. So was pvper and I think he was someone's kid or brother. The 18 and up rule is about a year old it was made because of ppl like DMG and pvper. I am pimp-tight this whole time you have talked shit to someone you never kill lol so funny. Hey I got an idea post 10 different post's with less than a line of text again plz you didnt look dumb enough with the one's you already did. I'll one v one anytime your ready to get on something that take's skill I dont like to point n click war.


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Damn it addicted I only did it to prove a point about his 10 one line post's hehe good form kind sir =>


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Too pretend any template takes skill in the age of macros you are retarded..... you saying get on a mage is just basically saying I would curb you on my normal temps.....

Btw that rule was in when I was in g&g and donald joined or rejoineed after me and 17 isn't 18 is it... and pvp is still like 10 and you still are a liar....


Re: Heart breakers & $ talk shit?????

Too pretend any template takes skill in the age of macros you are retarded..... you saying get on a mage is just basically saying I would curb you on my normal temps.....

Btw that rule was in when I was in g&g and donald joined or rejoineed after me and 17 isn't 18 is it... and pvp is still like 10 and you still are a liar....