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I will now start using my hypercam to fight EQ


who posts screens with less than 2 dead bodies on it?

friday night on 420 = tracking 16 enemies in minax base... were you guys smoking virtual bongs?

You have to be off count wise cause i think i was there towards the end and it was only 1 party so couldnt have been more than 10. Still pounding threw video footage but i managed to record long enough to catch the clown babies log on blue's and lose a chess match for the fate of skara. I should have what i got of that night posted soon as i catch up to current footage, had stuff from end of march just now getting around to tossing music on it. I did miss 99% of the fights tho, so who knows what they had working with that night, only guy i knew in the whole party was stack-

By posted soon i mean in my video thread, which is still waiting for another good video for this week(s) 3 mill prize! multiple entries welcome! bonus points for me getting pwnd in the video.
Let me tell you the story of my weekend -- it started on Friday with EQMS wiping out the newly formed Minax zerg(no hate on your zerging, factions are war) 3 times in a row:

stack (dead bodies) city, stack stack (dead bodies) city bitch

minax teaming up with TB to stop EQMS newbs in purple... nothing new for us though

However with each of their losses it seemed Minax was recruiting more and more into their skype call(skype is for sex, ventrilo/ts is for video games) we found ourselves outnumbered as it was friday night and people were going to smoke trees(420). I guess when your guild consists of 15 year olds who have yet to have a blunt touch their lips(let alone a titty) you have 18 people on UO guarding sigils on a Friday night.

However an elite squad of EQMS did manage to kill some minax before retreating a safehouse where this minax proceeded to spend 20minutes trying to use the Lord's gift of EQMS to house kill them. As soon as the 20min sigil timer wore off, these elite members(including the famed warrior k33f, known for his heroics in the EQMS/DT2.0 war of 2008) easily killed Gimpcent(lol? you mass recruited to the point gimpcent was recruited off the ponds) with a perfect synch:

How do you guys try to kill EQMS for 20mins straight and all you end up with is 1 of your own losing punkte?

The rest of the weekend I've been with my girlfriend -- she is trying to get me to lose weight so we've been on a roadtrip to pennsylvania to check out comic book stores(we're both huuuuuge anime and comic book lovers) and walk around. The scale says I've lost 1.25 lbs in the past 2 days so not only do I kill you in game, soon I'll be looking hot out of game too.

Check it:

-luxury apartment paid for by doctor dad
-2006 audi and a saab at my parents house
-leader of the one of the top guilds in UOG history
-a little overweight and still fucking a hot chick

...hate me cuz you aint me.

hey Glutt. i only see 5 bodies of cYa members in your sl base picture (first picture) one body of a thief, and that was before i got on and started fighting on rampage jackson. the red body in your picture is one of your own members. (Picture 2) just because a TB is there trying to steal the sigils at the same time doesnt mean we teamed with TB. Ammo is a thief and i regularly kill/chase him from minax base. (Picture 3) That was your only 2 surviving members after we killed you all at minax base and they took the picture AFTER the sigil decayed from them.. that was gimps fault for standing next to a wall. admit defeat u guys LOST the sigils... minax owns all the towns now. good attempt tho i guess. if thats what u wanna call it. u mighta won ONE not THREE battles but we won the war.. thanks for the towns.


hey Glutt. i only see 5 bodies of cYa members in your sl base picture (first picture) one body of a thief, and that was before i got on and started fighting on rampage jackson.

Its not my fault you created some massive minax alliance/zerg and didnt bother guilding up half of them.

(Picture 2) just because a TB is there trying to steal the sigils at the same time doesnt mean we teamed with TB. Ammo is a thief

You guys didnt attack him and he showed up at the same time with you -- its cool bro, other factions teaming up to stop newbs in purple is nothing new for us. Im just glad Bear and Akasha didnt show up this time ;)

that was gimps fault for standing next to a wall.

Wow -- do you always throw guildies under the bus like this? You had ~20 people running around there and still let one of your men die to of us and then blame him... sad :(

but we won the war...

You got the sigils because you guys had 15-20 people stay in on a friday night(4/20 no less) and guard sigils in a 15 year old game til 5am... we have mico, you dont -- you cant win wars without mico.


Its not my fault you created some massive minax alliance/zerg and didnt bother guilding up half of them.

You guys didnt attack him and he showed up at the same time with you -- its cool bro, other factions teaming up to stop newbs in purple is nothing new for us. Im just glad Bear and Akasha didnt show up this time ;)

Wow -- do you always throw guildies under the bus like this? You had ~20 people running around there and still let one of your men die to of us and then blame him... sad :(

You got the sigils because you guys had 15-20 people stay in on a friday night(4/20 no less) and guard sigils in a 15 year old game til 5am... we have mico, you dont -- you cant win wars without mico.
You're so retarded it amazes me.