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I've got a secret...

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Re: I've got a secret...

I hate to say this but an older more mature community pays to play for mmo's. The community here has maybe a total of 10 players that are mature. The rest are kids who have downloaded UO for free and have taken advantage of multi- clienting. Then that player uses addon programs like vent, razor, krrios, UOautomap, ect, to dumb down gameplay.

Krrios,you touched base on alot of good ideas on how to represent UOgamers back to fun OSI days. However I just dont see a community that has been spoon fed elements of trammel to really break away from it now.

They way you view UOgamers and the way Ryan has it set up is more or less like the server is stuck between a rock and a hard place. The reason being is Ryan needs donations to keep the server running. So, while Timmy1 is off trying to raise his 7x characters on hard skill gain and being more involved with the UOgamers community he meets Timmy2. Timmy2 works a 9-5 job maybe has a kid or is involved with other things in life so to save time he used his visa card to buy a 7x tamer, 2 7x mares and farmed for 1 week straight neting him 5-6 mil to buy uber loot.

Another week passes by and Timmy1 runs back into Timmy2. This time they meet in fire dungeon farming liches, elder gazers, whatever. Timmy2 thinks he is a hard azz now because he can say "all kill" and chase off a few reds in doing so. Timmy2 notices Timmy1 taking mobs from him and says to Timmy1...

"Get out of my dungeon newb or I will pkz0r you."

Timmy1 says: "I was here first wtf? Can we just farm together?"
Timmy2 responds: No newb, dont you know my alt is the number 1 pk?
Timmy1 states: Uhm, what? I am still new here wtf are you saying? Lets just farm together and have fun.
Timmy2 replies back: Ok, newb I will be back with my runic hally, valorite swamp dragon and my purple pots to pk your azz I am number 1 pk newb.

Minutes later due to Multi-Clienting, Timmy2 gates in TehUberMinerPk. Timmy1 nearly dies instantly, and in a rage of swearing logs off for a week; maybe two, or maybe decides to never play UOgamers again. Thus, hurting the community Timmy1 was trying to hard to interact with.

It is an endless cycle of Bull****. Now, I typed alot and I need to get back to work. Peace.


Re: I've got a secret...

btw this game is *** because there is no sense of community, on OSI, the average player age wasn't between 11-15, so people we're mature about the game. UOG is a battle for e-peen, and little more, for most people, whether they admit it or not.

id say the avg OSI age was a LOT lower than avg uog age.


Re: I've got a secret...

Dr. Jones said:
The Problem Here Is, There's To Many Cry babys. Complain, Complain, Complain. If you don't like it, go play something else. Or find another shard.

No, that is not the problem. "Whining" as you see it, or suggestion alternatives as I see it is not a problem, as long as its done in a mature way. The problem is people that b!tch and flame about 'whiners'. Nothing is going to get accomplished when someone responds with

"You F@ggot die irl, omfg you suck at teh pvp 1v1 no pots" or other useless garbage like that. People perceive the game differently, and because of this will present their ideas differently. That doesn't neccessarily mean one is right and one is wrong, AND even if it did, it doesn't mean you should flame someone for their ideas/suggestions.

Mary Poppins

Re: I've got a secret...

Good job.
I agree with a lot and
disagree with alot and will
comment later, but think this sort of
thread is great.

thinking is always great, its about time
the playerbase stepped up to the level
of ryan and his staff have technically
and upgraded our
community from 32 to 64 bit.


Re: I've got a secret...

Antarus said:
I hate to say this but an older more mature community pays to play for mmo's. The community here has maybe a total of 10 players that are mature. The rest are kids who have downloaded UO for free and have taken advantage of multi- clienting. Then that player uses addon programs like vent, razor, krrios, UOautomap, ect, to dumb down gameplay.

Krrios,you touched base on alot of good ideas on how to represent UOgamers back to fun OSI days. However I just dont see a community that has been spoon fed elements of trammel to really break away from it now.

They way you view UOgamers and the way Ryan has it set up is more or less like the server is stuck between a rock and a hard place. The reason being is Ryan needs donations to keep the server running. So, while Timmy1 is off trying to raise his 7x characters on hard skill gain and being more involved with the UOgamers community he meets Timmy2. Timmy2 works a 9-5 job maybe has a kid or is involved with other things in life so to save time he used his visa card to buy a 7x tamer, 2 7x mares and farmed for 1 week straight neting him 5-6 mil to buy uber loot.

Another week passes by and Timmy1 runs back into Timmy2. This time they meet in fire dungeon farming liches, elder gazers, whatever. Timmy2 thinks he is a hard azz now because he can say "all kill" and chase off a few reds in doing so. Timmy2 notices Timmy1 taking mobs from him and says to Timmy1...

"Get out of my dungeon newb or I will pkz0r you."

Timmy1 says: "I was here first wtf? Can we just farm together?"
Timmy2 responds: No newb, dont you know my alt is the number 1 pk?
Timmy1 states: Uhm, what? I am still new here wtf are you saying? Lets just farm together and have fun.
Timmy2 replies back: Ok, newb I will be back with my runic hally, valorite swamp dragon and my purple pots to pk your azz I am number 1 pk newb.

Minutes later due to Multi-Clienting, Timmy2 gates in TehUberMinerPk. Timmy1 nearly dies instantly, and in a rage of swearing logs off for a week; maybe two, or maybe decides to never play UOgamers again. Thus, hurting the community Timmy1 was trying to hard to interact with.

It is an endless cycle of Bull****. Now, I typed alot and I need to get back to work. Peace.

IAWTC .... but...

I honestly think that we can work around the age and maturity of people on the shard. We just have to find common ground. Not every 15 year old kid that plays this shard is bent on fueling their teenage angst by being a pessimistic *******. I've seen younger people act more mature than people almost twice their age.

As far as more mature people paying for MMO's…that's a fairly accurate statement. I could have continued playing OSI, but I didn't. Not because my wallet was taking a hit, but because it had lost its values and several elements that were appealing to me. One of which, was the community established by other players. I came here because it offered a taste of what the old UO used to be like.

We can't get rid of donations, they fuel this shard, and frankly I don't see them as a problem. The problem is that after people purchase their 7x skills and some neon hair of course, go out and farm gold to fuel their other 3 accounts that (of course) have the # 1, 2, and 3, pk or duelist on the shard. There's no need for interaction with other people. There needs to be some element in this game that draws (at least some) people together.


Re: I've got a secret...

It seems like being able to have multiple accounts has a negative effect. You rarely saw someone with more than one account on OSI.
Re: I've got a secret...

over half of you guys probably didnt even read it all, i did cause im patient and not like OMG theres 2 post about it, i agree with what he said about PvP and community, pvp has changed because of senseless twits that are tired of being bola'd and thats changing UO, i remember bola's since i started playing UO.

come on honestly, **** up UOGamers some more.
poll for a horse removal. ******s.


Re: I've got a secret...

I read to the point where you said this is not a PvP shard. This shard was created by Ryan for the very reason of PvP. The ONLY reason this shard exists is because he wanted to make a shard for PvP. The original "**** Trammies" items were not meant to be collected by trammies, but to make a statement that PvP owns and trammies suck a giant horse ****. I don't feel like reading the rest of your novel you wrote. The fact is that if you took the time to actually right that entire thing out...you need help. Go outside or something, god damn.


Re: I've got a secret...

R a c e c a R said:
I read to the point where you said this is not a PvP shard. This shard was created by Ryan for the very reason of PvP. The ONLY reason this shard exists is because he wanted to make a shard for PvP. The original "**** Trammies" items were not meant to be collected by trammies, but to make a statement that PvP owns and trammies suck a giant horse ****. I don't feel like reading the rest of your novel you wrote. The fact is that if you took the time to actually right that entire thing out...you need help. Go outside or something, god damn.

It's not a pvp shard


Re: I've got a secret...

Aye, I pretty distinctly remember it being advertised as a /full/ clone of Pre UO:R , with the threat of PK's back in. That's why I came here, actually, because I wanted to have the thrill of possibly getting killed. I have absolutely no interest in PvP myself, and I still have fun.


Re: I've got a secret...

The Anti American spamming fools, deserve to be squelched or banned. They know very well they are offending numerous players and for them to complain and for you to advocate them is enough to make me completely disreguard what you posted.

Sorry, but anti-patriotism is an excuse for cowardice, it is NOT fighting for what you believe in, its believing that all fights are bad unless they make you immediately feel good.

Your entire post can be summed up by saying people want too much instant gratification and then you show yourself to be precisely what you advocate against.
Re: I've got a secret...

Wow, Hes right...This shard isnt like old school OSI whats with the damn handouts....tournaments suck if we have events i personally would much rather see CTF. NO more lame handouts.
Bring in champ spawns, they were great, There is no sense of community here just cocky ****s saying "r0f1 0wn3d 1v1 D3l p0nd n0 p0t5".
This is bull****,
I fully agree with what blahgod said.

blah god

Re: I've got a secret...

DaNgEl said:
The Anti American spamming fools, deserve to be squelched or banned. They know very well they are offending numerous players and for them to complain and for you to advocate them is enough to make me completely disreguard what you posted.

Sorry, but anti-patriotism is an excuse for cowardice, it is NOT fighting for what you believe in, its believing that all fights are bad unless they make you immediately feel good.

Your entire post can be summed up by saying people want too much instant gratification and then you show yourself to be precisely what you advocate against.

i really have no clue wtf your talking about, put down the thesarus and re-read my post

Afro Man

Re: I've got a secret...

R a c e c a R said:
I read to the point where you said this is not a PvP shard. This shard was created by Ryan for the very reason of PvP. The ONLY reason this shard exists is because he wanted to make a shard for PvP. The original "**** Trammies" items were not meant to be collected by trammies, but to make a statement that PvP owns and trammies suck a giant horse ****. I don't feel like reading the rest of your novel you wrote. The fact is that if you took the time to actually right that entire thing out...you need help. Go outside or something, god damn.

Read the fu<king post and you will see that he infact does explain why this ISN'T a PvP shard, in a much better explanition than that **** you just typed.

[rant]To anyone else flaming the original poster, **** you. You obviously either a) didn't read the post because you're: lazy, illiterate, or just plain ignorant enough to flame him for writing such a large post or b) you just don't give a **** about about the community, and the overall well-being of the shard.

If you'll take the time to read this you'll notice he makes many good points, he also will show you how much better UO was than what it is now. The community here is the reason why UOGamers isn't as good as it could be. Instead of helping eachother out you must increase your e-peen and grief the **** out of other players. How can the community ever get better if they community itself doesn't see the problems that it has within? It can't which is why this shouldn't be left up to the players, because the majority of them are retarted.

The Admins need to find a way to involve the entire community in a widespread scenario or just random events other than PvP. The changes that were recently made were great..... for one part of the shard, but that's only catering the PvP scene. I love PvP, anyone who knows me can vouche for that but I also know it isn't the only thing to do on this game. Other things are enjoyable, i love a good quest something that forces me to think, something more challenging that running around mashing buttons with a group of 10.

If you want to have a better time on the shard, you have to help in that. Not everything can be made better by the staff, the staff is not your mommy. So either help make the shard better or don't ***** and moan about **** that needs to be done to make the shard better. [/rant]
Re: I've got a secret...

I feel you on that note blahgod. I used to have that guild interaction on this shard. We started a guild near the Ice dungeon we got about 35 members who were active players and we all built our houses near each other. We would all just chill by the guildhouse and shoot the ****, there would always be atleast 8 people standing around. It was goodtimes
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