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I've got a secret...

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Re: I've got a secret...

Wow i completely agree with blahgod's post. Its all about community and i would love to see around 10 big guilds which have over 25 active members instead of 1,000 of 1-4 person guilds. Come on people wheres the love! Another thing is maybe dumb down the prizes a little maybe toss a sash to the winners of a Huge Guild War between 4 guilds, 2v2 who are trying to defend a "make believe" base. I remember i had tons of fun doing that stuff and the only thing you won was 100k to split up between everyone. It wasnt about who had the cool weapons and armor it was all GM made to make everyone an equal competitor for a fun event. Show Me The Love!... Seriously though love thy community and it shall love thee

Afro Man

Re: I've got a secret...

R a c e c a R said:
This is a PvP shard...always has been, always will be. I stick by what i say.

No, it is heavily based around PvP but that doesn't make it strictly a PvP shard.


Re: I've got a secret...

Afro Man said:
No, it is heavily based around PvP but that doesn't make it strictly a PvP shard.

Based around PvP = PvP server. Of course you're gonna have other aspects of the game like gold, housing and rares...but in the end, PvP is the BASIS of this server.
Re: I've got a secret...

i agree with everything in this post, and i think instead of a test center, Gamers should've released a new shard with slow skill gain

and u look like the perfect candidate to run it :)

Tay M'real

Re: I've got a secret...

Luke/Talan/McGill said:
i agree with everything in this post, and i think instead of a test center, Gamers should've released a new shard with slow skill gain

and u look like the perfect candidate to run it :)

Why not try Rebirth? It's Pre-T2A shard that has slower skill gain..Demise does as well.


Re: I've got a secret...

I personaly do think that Vanq's and just about all magic drops are way to easy to get BUT it still doesn't really make much of a difference. All I do is PK people (PK not to be missinturperited as PvP) and all those wonderfull Vanq's don't generaly make much of a difference when you get the jump on someone. I like playing video games solo and I don't see anything wrong with that. Making skill gain is a moot point because it just makes me have to macro for a week insted of a day, big woop. We all have our own opinions and our own style of play but I would perfer most of the gameplay/ruleset or whatever you want to call it, stay the same as is. If you can some how increase the flow of people into a dung, fine, ill start pking people in dungs insted of out; makes no difference where I kill people personaly. I think this post was good, but very long winded and wouldn't read it a second time. Good luck and I hope I will be so lucky as to PK you someday! yay for the RP's!
Re: I've got a secret...

blahgod said:
I'm tired of seeing 16 year old kids rambling about pre-uo:r pvp being the best PvP. Think about that for a bit... a 16 year old kid in year 2005 was how old in 1999?

Blahgod honestly, the people who are "rambling" about pre-uor pvp are not 16 years old. I know it makes it easier on you to believe all annoying people have got to be 16 or younger since you have probably never laughed as a child. You have the personality of a tree stump and therefore assume life should be played by the rules.

10 year olds in no way could appreciate the pvp from that time era. it is the people who were 16-20 back in that time that loved the game so much. They are much older now. Thats the only snippet I picked out of your montonous jabbering. Continue the good work.

This is a PVP server.


Re: I've got a secret...

there are way too many PvM spawns (uh, all of them I guess) and crafting additions for this to be a PvP shard

oh, and the lack of PvP counts too I guess
Re: I've got a secret...

blahgod said:
swing from my nuts more

i might just make you president of my fan club

Flaming with you is boring so I am gonna stay away from these tiring posts until a later time. You have been postpwned. Coin that biyAtch.
Re: I've got a secret...

Pudrick said:
Flaming with you is boring so I am gonna stay away from these tiring posts until a later time. You have been postpwned. Coin that biyAtch.

Pudrick, I dare you to try to post something of value on these forums, instead of your asinine incoherent rants which aren't even remotely funny. I guess Blahgod must have hit home for you when he was making fun of all the ****ty one man guilds out there. And I’m sure if you have more then one person in your guild they are just as retarded as you.

I guess if I could summarize every post you make in a picture, it would be something like this.


  • genericSlugger.jpg
    10.1 KB · Views: 1


Re: I've got a secret...

Unfortunately for you kids... as most of you are acting.



Re: I've got a secret...

Ryan said:
Unfortunately for you kids... as most of you are acting.


Wow, Now that that has been established I am sure many of you would like to take this chance to think of the other aspects of the game and why blahgods post brings up good and relevant points. Also, consider that an aspect of community in the game brought about by player run events and the like helps to create a neutral ground for everyone to touch down on.


Re: I've got a secret...

I don't understand why people keep saying this server isn't a PvP server. PvP is Player vs. Player and I do believe he we tons of it on this server. When you go outside of town or into a dungeon to do your RP stuff, do you worry about being attacked by a player? There’s duel pits all over the place.. We have tournaments all the time that are strictly PvP. I do think we have people that don't enjoy all the aspects of PvP and stay away from it but I think they are in the minority. UO has most always been about PvP and that’s the way it was originally setup. UO is definitely one of the least restricted PvP games until all the pissed off RP's complained and got Stat loss, trammel and plenty of other wonderful things to degrade what was a great game. I see nothing wrong with what’s going on in UOGamers:Hybrid server and I do hope it never turns into anything like what OSI's has.
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