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Re: prophet

If you are 5'10 you must be a real skeleton, cus you look like you are a skinny 5 footer. You sure do look really weak. Dont do much sports or work out at all right? Is Sirkah albino afro? Your latest post suggest as much.


Re: prophet

pretty much... there is no way you are 5'10 '=/

luftwaffe;2115025 said:
im better than u at uo and real life LOL...
if shoes were pokemon. you'd be the man......... sigh.
Re: prophet

i play basketball, but u have yet to post ur pic, but i can post new pics in a few days that are not a year or year n a half old


Re: prophet

Oh have you grown some meat on that skinny frame now, maybe a hint of shade on the upper lip and some fuss on the chin?
Re: prophet

Kingllama;2115034 said:
Luft and Sikrah? What the fuck are you two gaining over the internet? NOTHING

i never really talked shit until people wanted to flame the interest i have in SHOES.. just cuz i have over 20 pairs... people seem to get mad n have to flame me over it lol, but it just shows how jealous they r.


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115041 said:
i never really talked shit until people wanted to flame the interest i have in SHOES.. just cuz i have over 20 pairs... people seem to get mad n have to flame me over it lol, but it just shows how jealous they r.

Well maybe or they just confused on why you have a shoe fetish-Obession thing?
Re: prophet

obv you guys never get out of the house.. cuz theres alot more ppl i know and around the US that have alot more shoes than me, and i get compliments IRL ALL the time about how i dress and my shoes.. i bet u guys get none.. its just me... im not like u guys and wear some ragedy 1 pair of shoes all the time.. anywhere i go i get compliments, when i used to live in chicago everyone loved the way i dressed and my shoes, same as when i was on orlando florida, and i dont need to save for school, i can get into a college... and i can get a car.. u guys talk like im BROKE lol.


Re: prophet

*Sings* "These boots are made for walking, and walking is what they do, one of these days they will walk right over you."

Nataniel, I doubt people care if you have two pairs or several hundred pair of shoes. Shoefetishes are considered feminine though. Clothing should be stylish. Baggy pants showing underwear isnt stylish but just trashy, not to mention sending out homosexual signals of availabilty for a quick rendez vous.


Re: prophet

Whoa man, I never ever said anything bad about your shoes. You don't have to target my sex life. Your 15 man you think you get all the girls cause ya dress nice? I wear one pair of shoes cause i don't have the cash or the intense love of shoes like you do. I do get out of the house everyday.
Re: prophet

that term is so fuckin old, you still use it... well i guess cuz ur age is 49... yall just dont get it lol, i guess its cuz u guys are all white and havent seen a black person in your life, and you guys are usually on the computer all the time... i guess you all live in some lame ass neighborhoods lols


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115066 said:
obv you guys never get out of the house.. cuz theres alot more ppl i know and around the US that have alot more shoes than me, and i get compliments IRL ALL the time about how i dress and my shoes.. i bet u guys get none.. its just me... im not like u guys and wear some ragedy 1 pair of shoes all the time.. anywhere i go i get compliments, when i used to live in chicago everyone loved the way i dressed and my shoes, same as when i was on orlando florida, and i dont need to save for school, i can get into a college... and i can get a car.. u guys talk like im BROKE lol.

This is what i was talking about. You need to calm down. Don't get all crazy mad with your caps. No need for the angry german kid.


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115103 said:
i bet u guys get NONE, as in compliments of the way u dress.... LOL, and no one is mad bro.. i dont ever take this game serious, ive lost over 600mil and never got mad haha, but i KNOW you get mad over this lame ass game hahaha here http://www.uogamers.com/forum/trammel/224657-scammed-5-mil.html now thats a thread that we CAN ALL TELL.. you sir ARE THE RAGER. and take this game WAY TO SERIOUS.

The reason why i get mad is cause i spend my time on this damn game to lose money to scammers.
Have you ever heard of me raging in vent at anyone about dying or anything else? Your taking what im saying and getting all pissy about it.
Re: prophet

LOL no im not, i dont get mad about what anyone on this game has to say about me.. cuz most likely you guys are nerds IRL, and i will never see you. like i said its just the internet man damn.. calm down... but its just a game.. just cuz u lose ur money u dont have to go ANGRY GERMAN KID LOL....


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115084 said:
that term is so fuckin old, you still use it... well i guess cuz ur age is 49... yall just dont get it lol, i guess its cuz u guys are all white and havent seen a black person in your life, and you guys are usually on the computer all the time... i guess you all live in some lame ass neighborhoods lols

Actually. i was the minority at my school. and I downtalked them like I am you now.