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Re: prophet

nates in his rebellious years, guys. he takes this game as his life, and believes he knows everything.

he still has some maturing to do.


Re: prophet

zephy mczeph;2115024 said:
why wouldn't i?

It's like going to a MLB fan-sight, taking the time to make a forum account, and then posting, 'baseball, lol'. You would think the person has better things to do, and if they don't, then they look like they are in worse shape than anyone they are trying to poke fun at or trying to pull away from the activity.

Anyway, who really cares whether the guy likes shoes anyway. Some men even buy and sell custom shoes as collectibles that accrue value. I'm not the type to want someone around who is interested in me for my material things, but that doesn't mean that it sadly doesn't work to get you in the door. One of those primal, that guy must be better since he has more coconuts things. Women have an intrinsic biological drive to choose the guy that can best provide for their offspring. Just one guy's particular peacock dance.

One guy from where I used to work had a laser beam fetish, so I spent a couple hours at home looking for naked ladies with laser beams shooting this way and that. I have a belief that if I can imagine it, usually someone out there can too and is actually doing it. Couldn't find any laser beam pornography for him at the time though.

Think I have only seen luftwaffe's character's a few times in game. Seemed like an allright guy to me, but I don't overly interact with people. Hope this all dies down soon.

zephy mczeph

Re: prophet

Mara;2115194 said:

cut your hair hippie



Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115108 said:
LOL no im not, i dont get mad about what anyone on this game has to say about me.. cuz most likely you guys are nerds IRL, and i will never see you. like i said its just the internet man damn.. calm down... but its just a game.. just cuz u lose ur money u dont have to go ANGRY GERMAN KID LOL....

Yes we all are irl nerds. We talk and play on a old ass game.


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115084 said:
that term is so fuckin old, you still use it... well i guess cuz ur age is 49... yall just dont get it lol, i guess its cuz u guys are all white and havent seen a black person in your life, and you guys are usually on the computer all the time... i guess you all live in some lame ass neighborhoods lols

Explain the racial thing. You imply 1. That all black men are shoecollectors showing their underware. 2. That black men dont use computers. 3. That black people dont live in "lame" neighbourhoods, and that all others do.

You have NO idea of what race ANYONE here belongs to in real life.

You want to be the stereotype of what you think someone in a rapvideo is. You will grow up when you notice that this archetype first of all isnt real and secondly wouldnt do well in life, economically, powerwise or with women. You see wannabes with bad attitudes get beat up badly when someone calls their bluff and that usually happen quite quickly.

If your identity is based on race, maybe pick some more succesful black rolemodels that would serve you in the long run.

Good luck in growing up.


Re: prophet

Edalon;2115292 said:
Explain the racial thing. You imply 1. That all black men are shoecollectors showing their underware. 2. That black men dont use computers. 3. That black people dont live in "lame" neighbourhoods, and that all others do.

You have NO idea of what race ANYONE here belongs to in real life.

You want to be the stereotype of what you think someone in a rapvideo is. You will grow up when you notice that this archetype first of all isnt real and secondly wouldnt do well in life, economically, powerwise or with women. You see wannabes with bad attitudes get beat up badly when someone calls their bluff and that usually happen quite quickly.

If your identity is based on race, maybe pick some more succesful black rolemodels that would serve you in the long run.

Good luck in growing up.

Yeah I agree stop dressing like lil wayne and dress more like this guy.



Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115025 said:
LOL, i PROMISE you im not a nerd, im 5'10... im half black...

this precludes you from being a nerd, how?

and real talk, man. why would you NOT be broke at 15? YOU didnt buy that shit, mommie and/or daddy did. so we are supposed to be impressed that your parents can afford to support your shoe fetish in the quest for popularity?

shit, i havent seen such a prime example of a suburbanite wannabe gangsta on the internet, ever. it's almost like i'm typing to b-rad from malibu's most wanted.


Re: prophet

RAKninja;2115393 said:
this precludes you from being a nerd, how?

and real talk, man. why would you NOT be broke at 15? YOU didnt buy that shit, mommie and/or daddy did. so we are supposed to be impressed that your parents can afford to support your shoe fetish in the quest for popularity?

shit, i havent seen such a prime example of a suburbanite wannabe gangsta on the internet, ever. it's almost like i'm typing to b-rad from malibu's most wanted.

Solution is simple, dad needs to be more present and stop trying to bribe kid away with shoes and other items. Also, dad might need to use belt a little more often :).


Re: prophet

RAKninja;2115393 said:
this precludes you from being a nerd, how?

and real talk, man. why would you NOT be broke at 15? YOU didnt buy that shit, mommie and/or daddy did. so we are supposed to be impressed that your parents can afford to support your shoe fetish in the quest for popularity?

shit, i havent seen such a prime example of a suburbanite wannabe gangsta on the internet, ever. it's almost like i'm typing to b-rad from malibu's most wanted.


Re: prophet

You have to consider that the girls that are interested in a 15 yr old are probably 13-14yrs old. The girls his own age are always looking to the next level, like high school seniors or college freshman cause they are 'sooo' much more mature. Yeah right. I've always thought that boys reach maturity much faster than girls, they are completely finished with the process at age 5 or so.

Maybe it would be better if it was a ladies' shoe collection from the girls that he's been involved with. Maybe not, that might be a serial killer thing.

Coming out and saying you like shoes for whatever reason is probably a sign a security in himself, seeing as how he knew he would get ridden for it by most everyone. People like different things. As far as belt whippings from Dad, that doesn't accomplish much. I actually preferred physical punishment for things. In about 5 minutes you're done, and can move on to your next event instead of having to deal with it for weeks.

But yeah, older women seem to prefer clean cut professional with a good future, or an occasional bad boy experience that they can pretend was a mistake. And by bad boy the clothing is not all that relevant, just someone that acts disinterested in them and will treat them poorly, sometimes very poorly. The gangsta look doesn't go anywhere unless you make it in the music business selling crap to kids.
Re: prophet

didnt even read that mara, and you guys need to understand whatt "TRAPPIN" is , so yall would KNOW how i made my money... go look it up maybe it will give u some info. i bet very few of u have the connections or even have the balls to do it.


Re: prophet

You make money as an old time trapper hunting hides, is that what you are saying you do to buy new shoes?


Re: prophet

Edalon;2115574 said:
You make money as an old time trapper hunting hides, is that what you are saying you do to buy new shoes?

naw he invented something to prevent sleep. hes up all day either playing UO or trapping animals.


Re: prophet

luftwaffe;2115557 said:
didnt even read that mara, and you guys need to understand whatt "TRAPPIN" is , so yall would KNOW how i made my money... go look it up maybe it will give u some info. i bet very few of u have the connections or even have the balls to do it.

Did you just admit to selling drugs on a public forum? Holy shit you're dumb.