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Threads about hz get deleted or moved

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Ok FATTY enjoy yourself while bank sitting. MB is recruiting by the way *wink wink*
Zulu how bout you act like your age once. I get it can be hard for you to act like an adult with all the drinking and trying to forget your past and shit. But lets try to have a conversation here. Why is Hz wrecking your game? I play solo I pvp solo I spawn solo by choice. I am able to do it solo having a group can only be easier. Why don't you and your group finally recruit as I stated above use meatshield build numbers and so on. Beat HZ at its own game. When they started they were in the same boat as you but build up and took over. Its doable just gotta built from the ground and stick with a plan.


Zulu how bout you act like your age once. I get it can be hard for you to act like an adult with all the drinking and trying to forget your past and shit. But lets try to have a conversation here. Why is Hz wrecking your game? I play solo I pvp solo I spawn solo by choice. I am able to do it solo having a group can only be easier. Why don't you and your group finally recruit as I stated above use meatshield build numbers and so on. Beat HZ at its own game. When they started they were in the same boat as you but build up and took over. Its doable just gotta built from the ground and stick with a plan.
There's no one left because we don't recruit fat kids like you. They can't run well :(

Itchy Fish

you're right you don't give a crap about HZ. You and Zulu are obsessed with them.

OMG look Hz this Hz that, Hz has staff, Hz use script, Hz killed me they must be cheating, Hz is a Zerg.

We can't compete under this Tag lets make a new guild and pretend to be better.....

Yall are fucking pathetic and act like a bunch of 3rd graders.
musclys allways been a cheater gets away with rule breaking you know it aswell as i do
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@Dexter-LoM go ahead and take your egotistical attitude elsewhere. I asked a simple question and you reply back saying me and zulu are obsessed? Give me a break you ignorant cunt. Looks to me like you are the one who is obsessed, fighting mb's battles in every thread, defending him from any persecution.

Seems to me that you take care of Mb's erotic desires, by sucking him off when he feels he is about to bust a nut.

You might aswell send MB a skype message, on recruitment. We will show you what it means to officially eat shit, then whipe your ass with the leftovers, FATTY.


Very funny of you guys why always crying when someone kicks yours asses then maybe just stop playing if you are so sensitive ?
if mb would be so egoistic or that kinda bad as you are telling then he would ruin guild and ppl just run down a long time ago , and then again he would create another name guild and would search for ppl and so on . but its one guild i know is stable and is existing for a long time . he got perfect leader skills
to organize to lead and keep order in hes guild . one thing i know he wont let babys like you in guild because they will ruin everything so and you all cant get in there so that why you are crying ?
Mine suggestion is stop spamming , crying ,thieve , stop scamming ppl , because that wont help you to be better, it just shows how helpless and weak you are...


Very funny of you guys why always crying when someone kicks yours asses then maybe just stop playing if you are so sensitive ?
if mb would be so egoistic or that kinda bad as you are telling then he would ruin guild and ppl just run down a long time ago , and then again he would create another name guild and would search for ppl and so on . but its one guild i know is stable and is existing for a long time . he got perfect leader skills
to organize to lead and keep order in hes guild . one thing i know he wont let babys like you in guild because they will ruin everything so and you all cant get in there so that why you are crying ?
Mine suggestion is stop spamming , crying ,thieve , stop scamming ppl , because that wont help you to be better, it just shows how helpless and weak you are...
Your suggestion has been noted and ignored. I love it when a third party such as yourself fails to enlighten the general public on 'said' subject. Yee haw neighbor!


MB actually has down syndrome. Thats why he resembles a serial killer in his photos. He also reads every post, yet never responds. When he actually does gather the courage to respond it's normally some form of ignorant statement that makes no sense. He still has good little obedient minions like yourself that always come to his defense, with or without the knowledge of his actions both recent and past. It's actually quite amusing.


MB and I have become rivals or 'so called' arch enemies. The fued between us will more than likely never end. So stuff your ugly faces with some popcorn and enjoy the show.


i see you are doomed person , kids like you never grown up )) ok then just keep crying )
You are crying about posts pertaining to Hz so what's the difference? Children like you will never grow up to reach the cookie jar. I already stole that bitch anyhow and you can't have any. Mine!


im crying ? i made tons of posts and dont doing anything just crying in forums ? :D im just trying to explain to tard like you ) but i see its worthless kids never listn . its poitless to even speak with you just waste of time )
btw dont need your cookies can give you some more if youll be just happy
i see yours anger just dont blow up :D
If he doesnt give a shit about him, he wouldn't have taken the time to get all of his serial numbers for target share for everyone to dump on him as soon as he runs onto your screen.

If he doesnt care, he wouldnt stop fighting loop at the gate to kill him/us.

If he doesnt care, he wouldnt be mass recruiting to attempt to zerg him/us.

Speak with factual information before you post un-needed comments. @Bad Mutha
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