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Tamer Balance

How should taming be balanced?

  • Remove bonding

    Votes: 237 17.0%
  • Reduce pet speed

    Votes: 138 9.9%
  • Reduce pet damage

    Votes: 182 13.0%
  • Heavier bonded pet skill loss

    Votes: 145 10.4%
  • Remove recall with bonded pets

    Votes: 193 13.8%
  • Its fine how it is

    Votes: 822 58.9%

  • Total voters
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Well try putting change and no change as options. If change wins then put another poll of what should be done.Then implement the changes acording to what the people ask for. This poll,shows more people for change. You cant break up one side and make it into many, and have another side whole.Its not a valid poll.
polls don't lie, they are fine....
in fact they are even a simple kill now! peace and/or paralyse and guess what! that means you've already won the fight!

many tamers have turned to bolas with these nerfs cus thats the only way to kill someone or make them go away now! the increased stat gains make it easy to gm the skill even though its one of the slowest to gm skills in the game, takes at least a day and a half if you started with 50 and get lucky on the spawns and leave it on al; the time.....

tamers usually didn't bother with pvp on osi because they could hunt all the biggest baddest monsters easily and going red and losing 10% in skills was horrible... you were screwed, on osi 10% was a good month of macroing for a tamer plus no pets or income while you were re-raising then when the follower limit came into play there were more of them involved in pvp, because it wasn't as easy to kill the biggest and baddest monsters in the gamer while killing reds or if they were brave enough, blues was actually quite simple

but reds on osi were bright enough to run from them before they got into range, and blue killers were eventually brought down and then they are gone untill they become blue and can re-raise....

now on this shard taming is simple, so of course without stat losses (even if their was stat loss it wouldn't effect anyone with fast gains) why not just pvp? and tamers were powerhouses so... they got the nerfs, they have been nerfed one or two times and those nerfs are effective, its not almost unbalanced towards tamers, no more changes!! its good now!


It all comes down to the Smart and Stupid theory.
"you see a WW and a Mare and a person on foot. You turn away!" - That's smart

"you see a WW and a Mare and a person on foot. You rush at him!" - That's stupid

End of discussion!



Since taming skill now raises more slowly, is it reset too or is it yet some other elaborate scheme to discourage people to become a tamer?
Tamers = Lamers

hmm.... tamers can suck a cock! and i hate it when you are about to kill them and the bitches recall on you like wtf? :mad: Tamers = Lamers :(
tamers r gay. simple as that. all the newbie tamers do in factions and pvp is bola and get their gay 2 7x mares after ur ass. just like IC NEWBIES. let me repeat. JUST LIKE IC NEWBIES!
i piss my pants said:
tamers r gay. simple as that. all the newbie tamers do in factions and pvp is bola and get their gay 2 7x mares after ur ass. just like IC NEWBIES. let me repeat. JUST LIKE IC NEWBIES!

when you see three names of an opposing faction or guild your supposed to run anyways, get a brain!

tamers have to move suprisingly slowly so don't complain about not being able to escape, its your own fault for heading towards him
just thinking..

would it be possible to just remove bonding from mares and dragons because i use a beetle on my red and i need it to carry loot and not drop it since its bonded.. would kind of suck if everybody loses bonded pets because tamers pvp.
Southern Comfort said:
would it be possible to just remove bonding from mares and dragons because i use a beetle on my red and i need it to carry loot and not drop it since its bonded.. would kind of suck if everybody loses bonded pets because tamers pvp.

that doesn't work at all....

tamers just generally NEED trained pets to face certain monsters, now, I know that a dragon and a mare could eventually defeat one anchient lich with their base abilities, but it woul dbe hell for the tamer, you'd have to heal non stop and prey it doesn't FS as that already does insane ammounts of damage to even a dragon
but the anchient liches are typically paired with lich lords so thats not working out very well

red tamers are definately pvp active, so if you want to have a deturrent for them, make red tamers pets unbondable, then they get the pets but run the risk of losing them, a red tamer can go out totally naked and come back fully clothed and stocked with regs and aids...

for factions, a pet must be designated as a faction animal and annointed as one or they go grey when attack member of an opposing faction, same rule for guild wars and such

factioned or guilded animals recieve a penalty/reduction to their stats and cannot gain past a certain point, there is your balance

it makes tamer pvp charactors far less effective without destroying those that want to hunt, and yes they can still kill reds but that will be the first and only downside to being red on this shard, tamers can attack you, as of now there are no penalties for being red, just basically rewards, its practically a good idea at the moment


I just killed a tamer about 1 hour ago and I felt bad for the guy, I say leave taming alone because It's hard enough to survive as it is. You don't see a blue take down like 4 reds with his animals, you usually see like 4v1 tamer. The tamer is just trying to get himself a new animal to sell it or to make cash by killing monsters with it.

I would like however, to see less people with mares, dragons. Wipe all the animals and start over with few spawns? This would make mares more rare again and dragons more amazing to have. Then if things go well you could strengthen them slightly. Since they would be so rare people would enjoy having a tamer more.

I remember when taming was for PvM and people actually could make a living taming. There is still work to be done with spawns and loot before PvM will be enjoyable for both red and blue alike.
Druid311 said:
I just killed a tamer about 1 hour ago and I felt bad for the guy, I say leave taming alone because It's hard enough to survive as it is. You don't see a blue take down like 4 reds with his animals, you usually see like 4v1 tamer. The tamer is just trying to get himself a new animal to sell it or to make cash by killing monsters with it.

I would like however, to see less people with mares, dragons. Wipe all the animals and start over with few spawns? This would make mares more rare again and dragons more amazing to have. Then if things go well you could strengthen them slightly. Since they would be so rare people would enjoy having a tamer more.

I remember when taming was for PvM and people actually could make a living taming. There is still work to be done with spawns and loot before PvM will be enjoyable for both red and blue alike.

with the time and effort it takes to gm a pet, especially in magery, that doesn't work it is far to unfair for the entire tamers population

my idea leaved the innocent tamers alone, those who wish to kill monsters and/or sell pets while seriously discouraging them to be used in pvp


ok, i changed my mind, i recalled into bucs den, and like 4-5 people at least ganked me, at least 2 or 3 were bitch ass tamers, I was owned easily within seconds even with full inscribe reflect. NERF them till they cant even kill a mongbat with spells, FUCK TAMERS :mad:
Druid311 said:
ok, i changed my mind, i recalled into bucs den, and like 4-5 people at least ganked me, at least 2 or 3 were bitch ass tamers, I was owned easily within seconds even with full inscribe reflect. NERF them till they cant even kill a mongbat with spells, FUCK TAMERS :mad:

2 tamers will kill any 1 person that gets within range..... lol

facing a tamer is like facing 3 idiots, its VERY possible but you can't just sit there, facing 2 tamers is like facing 6 idiots, 6 people, reguardless of their incompetance will be able to kill you very quickly and very easily


i didnt even have time to "sit there" :( , the tamers went after a friend so i did a fencer distraction so he would get away, when i insta logged and grabbed my mage he bit the dust too instantly, from 100 hp to 32 to dead, within seconds

i think that they need to instead lower the chance a tamed animal has to do a 7th+ circle spell because I notice alot of times the opening attack is a flamestrike, no flames on this btw I had a 7x tamer a long time ago and he owned many many reds+blues, i used him in pvp as well and eventually gave it up...i don't think that PvP should be all about "all kill" but I guess thats why we have all kill = no skill aprons :p

and how about a hardcore timer on bolas? :D
all kill might = no skill to all of you people but quite frankly, corp por is becomming a bore

2 tamers with 7xgm pets are supposed to be extremely powerful, and i recomend hide recalling and especially do not reccomend that your rune your red towns at their banks... those are the highest area of traffic, and pet spell are already nerfed insanely! they cast FS 1 out of every 10 times they normally did and pet damage to players was halved as well as much more difficult gains and now an ethy takes up a slot

bolas and parry is being thought out, but there really isn't any reason as to why you couldn't just rapid fire bolas, its cheap but if they use the bolas then they will dismount you
you can use bolas 2, then people can't run away, especially so if you kill their horse (should they be riding one) or if they got an ethy they are gone, lol

and pets always used to open with FS, so at full mana, 1 out of every 10 opennings will include that spell, i almost never get it, so tamers are fine right now, you might want to consider my ideas on discouraging their use in pvp because we can't just keep nerfing them out
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