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Factioners, Take Notes.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.



Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

Thantos, Take Notes

I can hardly believe that since I been gone you haven't changed a bit. You are still the the retarded self centered egoistical prick that you were so many months ago, but wait it has gotten worse.... Because now that you have learned to use items to make up for what you lacked in skill you appeared at least in your immature mind to have grown your first mental pubic hair. Too bad because I remember what you used to be where others don't... Everyone gives Mico crap about being in WKD but somehow nobody remembers you being in WKD. Maybe that has something to do with you being a virutal nobody without Mico's help and spent months upon months just mouthing his cock to get ahead.

It is too bad that the forums only keep your last 500 posts because I would of loved to go back into the past and show the new generation of UoGamers players what a god damn self centered pussy you really are, but I'm sure most of them already know judging the fact you haven't really changed.

But I remember the good ole days when Lord T was really a Lord because he farmed so much. See Lord T thought he found love, love online in a video game to say the least. He spent months farming and selling on the trade forums to collect money for his e-whore. This man Lord T spent more time on this virtual girl than most guys spend with their real girlfriends. Even getting jealous if others talked to her. Notice I said "spent time on" not with, this is because this e-whore logged on only rarely but when she did Lord T was there like a weird shalker. Lord T's heart was soon broke when found out what? Lord T would you do me a favor and finish my story of the man without a life? I hope you were taking some notes but you shouldn't need them I'm sure you remember crying in vent....

Because I got more stories.... but I'll release those a differant thread like the Twilight Saga but this Saga is just about pathetic you are even in a video game...

Love GimpCent


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

GimpCent;1801873 said:
Thantos, Take Notes

I can hardly believe that since I been gone you haven't changed a bit. You are still the the retarded self centered egoistical prick that you were so many months ago, but wait it has gotten worse.... Because now that you have learned to use items to make up for what you lacked in skill you appeared at least in your immature mind to have grown your first mental pubic hair. Too bad because I remember what you used to be where others don't... Everyone gives Mico crap about being in WKD but somehow nobody remembers you being in WKD. Maybe that has something to do with you being a virutal nobody without Mico's help and spent months upon months just mouthing his cock.

It is too bad that the forums only keep your last 500 posts because I would of loved to go back into the past and show the new generation of UoGamers players what a god damn self centered pussy you really are, but I'm sure most of them already know judging the fact you haven't really changed.

But I remember the good ole days when Lord T was really a Lord because he farmed so much. See Lord T thought he found love, love online in a video game to say the least. He spent months farming and selling on the trade forums to collect money for his e-whore. This man Lord T spent more time on this virtual girl than most guys spend with their real girlfriends. Even getting jealous if others talked to her. Notice I said "spent time on" not with, this is because this e-whore logged on only rarely but when she did Lord T was there like a weird shalker. Lord T heart was soon broke when found out what? Lord T care to finish my story of the man without a life? I hope your taking some notes....

Because I got more stories.... but I'll release those a differant thread like the Twilight Saga but this Saga is just about pathetic you are even in a video game...

Love GimpCent

Couldnt of said it better myself. Guys got issues.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

Taking notes - use lots of wands, bolas, probably pots... hmm.. that's skill righ there.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

namlamina;1798311 said:
Mmm... You are missing the part from 2006 where Thantos married a girl in-game and she ended up "breaking up" with him and she turned lesbian.

Hey I think I finished your story long before you started it, GimpCent. You can write a damn good story... I look forward to the sagas.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

namlamina;1801924 said:
Hey I think I finished your story long before you started it, GimpCent. You can write a damn good story... I look forward to the sagas.

I was looking for that quote :)

Didn't know you were the man behind it, Good shit man

Keep the truth about this homo alive!


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

Stides;1801894 said:
Couldnt of said it better myself. Guys got issues.

no comment.

GimpCent;1801917 said:


GimpCent;1801873 said:
Thantos, Take Notes

I can hardly believe that since I been gone you haven't changed a bit. You are still the the retarded self centered egoistical prick that you were so many months ago, but wait it has gotten worse.... Because now that you have learned to use items to make up for what you lacked in skill you appeared at least in your immature mind to have grown your first mental pubic hair. Too bad because I remember what you used to be where others don't... Everyone gives Mico crap about being in WKD but somehow nobody remembers you being in WKD. Maybe that has something to do with you being a virutal nobody without Mico's help and spent months upon months just mouthing his cock to get ahead.

It is too bad that the forums only keep your last 500 posts because I would of loved to go back into the past and show the new generation of UoGamers players what a god damn self centered pussy you really are, but I'm sure most of them already know judging the fact you haven't really changed.

But I remember the good ole days when Lord T was really a Lord because he farmed so much. See Lord T thought he found love, love online in a video game to say the least. He spent months farming and selling on the trade forums to collect money for his e-whore. This man Lord T spent more time on this virtual girl than most guys spend with their real girlfriends. Even getting jealous if others talked to her. Notice I said "spent time on" not with, this is because this e-whore logged on only rarely but when she did Lord T was there like a weird shalker. Lord T's heart was soon broke when found out what? Lord T would you do my a favor and finish my story of the man without a life? I hope you were taking some notes but you shouldn't need them I'm sure you remember crying in vent....

Because I got more stories.... but I'll release those a differant thread like the Twilight Saga but this Saga is just about pathetic you are even in a video game...

Love GimpCent

damn bro you know soooo much about me

instead of making it a saga...

make it a biography

maybe some day you will be the nerd that i am...

doubt it...

but dont worry little joey

there is hope even for you.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

TheNuthigh;1801993 said:
no comment.


damn bro you know soooo much about me

instead of making it a saga...

make it a biography

maybe some day you will be the nerd that i am...

doubt it...

but dont worry little joey

there is hope even for you.

Notice how you didn't even try to disprove anything I said maybe cause it was all true and you were in shock that someone bluntly said it....


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

GimpCent;1802005 said:
Notice how you didn't even try to disprove anything I said maybe cause it was all true and you were in shock that someone bluntly said it....

i get haters like you on my jock every day...

what you think you know or say you know...
means nothing just like any other no namers...

thank you for your time

p s
you dont have to tell me you love me
when i see a hater like you....all i do is smile


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

If you really hate T, he's just going to laugh. The more you hate him, the more he sees you as fans. Get used to it.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

TheNuthigh;1802007 said:
i get haters like you on my jock every day...

what you think you know or say you know...
means nothing just like any other no namers...

thank you for your time

p s
you dont have to tell me you love me
when i see a hater like you....all i do is smile

You act as if you don't know me T

You know I'm not a hater but you feel the need to try portray me as one to others...

There is a big difference between saying the truth and what e-thugs think is hating


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

GimpCent;1801873 said:
Thantos, Take Notes

I can hardly believe that since I been gone you haven't changed a bit. You are still the the retarded self centered egoistical prick that you were so many months ago, but wait it has gotten worse.... Because now that you have learned to use items to make up for what you lacked in skill you appeared at least in your immature mind to have grown your first mental pubic hair. Too bad because I remember what you used to be where others don't... Everyone gives Mico crap about being in WKD but somehow nobody remembers you being in WKD. Maybe that has something to do with you being a virutal nobody without Mico's help and spent months upon months just mouthing his cock to get ahead.

It is too bad that the forums only keep your last 500 posts because I would of loved to go back into the past and show the new generation of UoGamers players what a god damn self centered pussy you really are, but I'm sure most of them already know judging the fact you haven't really changed.

But I remember the good ole days when Lord T was really a Lord because he farmed so much. See Lord T thought he found love, love online in a video game to say the least. He spent months farming and selling on the trade forums to collect money for his e-whore. This man Lord T spent more time on this virtual girl than most guys spend with their real girlfriends. Even getting jealous if others talked to her. Notice I said "spent time on" not with, this is because this e-whore logged on only rarely but when she did Lord T was there like a weird shalker. Lord T's heart was soon broke when found out what? Lord T would you do my a favor and finish my story of the man without a life? I hope you were taking some notes but you shouldn't need them I'm sure you remember crying in vent....

Because I got more stories.... but I'll release those a differant thread like the Twilight Saga but this Saga is just about pathetic you are even in a video game...

Love GimpCent

This is Great , what a joke.

please cont. the saga NOW!


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

GimpCent;1801873 said:
Thantos, Take Notes

I can hardly believe that since I been gone you haven't changed a bit. You are still the the retarded self centered egoistical prick that you were so many months ago, but wait it has gotten worse.... Because now that you have learned to use items to make up for what you lacked in skill you appeared at least in your immature mind to have grown your first mental pubic hair. Too bad because I remember what you used to be where others don't... Everyone gives Mico crap about being in WKD but somehow nobody remembers you being in WKD. Maybe that has something to do with you being a virutal nobody without Mico's help and spent months upon months just mouthing his cock to get ahead.

It is too bad that the forums only keep your last 500 posts because I would of loved to go back into the past and show the new generation of UoGamers players what a god damn self centered pussy you really are, but I'm sure most of them already know judging the fact you haven't really changed.

But I remember the good ole days when Lord T was really a Lord because he farmed so much. See Lord T thought he found love, love online in a video game to say the least. He spent months farming and selling on the trade forums to collect money for his e-whore. This man Lord T spent more time on this virtual girl than most guys spend with their real girlfriends. Even getting jealous if others talked to her. Notice I said "spent time on" not with, this is because this e-whore logged on only rarely but when she did Lord T was there like a weird shalker. Lord T's heart was soon broke when found out what? Lord T would you do my a favor and finish my story of the man without a life? I hope you were taking some notes but you shouldn't need them I'm sure you remember crying in vent....

Because I got more stories.... but I'll release those a differant thread like the Twilight Saga but this Saga is just about pathetic you are even in a video game...

Love GimpCent

It seems I have some competition! Well put...
Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

can someone say OWNED?

that was painful to read, and it wasn't even about me lolz. someone put T on suicide watch.


Re: Factioners, Take Notes.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just as good as looking at lod's picture but with music in the background!